Children's rights activities |
The Council of Europe addresses children's rights by combining highly effective tools, such as standard setting – monitoring – policy development – co-operation and assistance programmes – education, training and communication. The following sections present an overview of this work, with relevant links.
Standard setting
European Convention on the Adoption of Children (Revised) (ETS No. 202)
was opened for signature on 27 November 2008 Policy development /on-going activities • Council of Europe steering committees in the fields of legal co-operation, human rights, social cohesion, education and youth have all placed children's rights issues on their agendas:
of Roma children (DG-IV, Education Division) / see
also the
Roma awareness-raising campaign (DG-III, Roma and Travellers Division)
and Dosta, joint
CoE-European Commission site ;
the Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full
participation of people with disabilities in society, attached to
Recommendation Rec(2006)5. The action plan calls attention to: the
increased vulnerability of persons with disabilities to violence and
abuse, especially women and girls; gender-biased obstacles to
participation in society encountered by women and girls; the need for
specific measures to provide education for children with disabilities, and
which will enable them to reach their maximum potential in family and
community life.
Co-operation and assistance
Outreach – communication, education and training • Standards and policies need to be accompanied by communication, education and training strategies. Current activities include: • Developing a website on children's rights; • Developing further the online data base, Theseus, on case law of the European Court of Human Rights relevant to children; • Developing child-friendly communication (web and printed material); • Developing a child- and youth-friendly version of the Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life; • Communication initiatives on specific issues, such as sexual violence, corporal punishment, violence in schools • Developing further Through the WildWebWoods, the e-game on Internet safety, by integrating human rights topics; • Publishing texts for lawyers on children's human rights and texts on Council of Europe actions to end violence against children; • Promoting Compasito, a manual for human rights education for children, through training and publication in other languages; • Developing further training courses on human rights; • Organising events and thematic campaigns at national level. Raise your hand against smacking! Launch of the campaign against corporal punishment of children |