Назад Protection of national minorities: new opinions published on Armenia and Italy

Protection of national minorities: new opinions published on Armenia and Italy

The Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities, has published two new opinions.

Society in Armenia is characterised by a climate of tolerance and mutual understanding, and there is good provision of public TV and radio programming in minority languages and about national minorities. Despite this, national minorities’ rights, cultures and identities are not sufficiently promoted; legislative progress has been limited and amendments restricting freedom of expression give rise to concern. The authorities should also step up their efforts to improve the stark situation of Yezidi girls in terms of early and forced marriages and disproportionally high school drop-out rates. These are among the key observations and recommendations of the new opinion by the Advisory Committee on Armenia. The opinion is based on the information provided by governmental and non-governmental sources, including that obtained during its visit to Armenia in February 2022. It has been published together with comments from the authorities.

Italy should take all necessary steps for the protection of Roma and Sinti, according to the opinion of the Committee. Despite several parliamentary initiatives, no specific national legislative framework for the protection of Roma and Sinti has been adopted. The authorities’ efforts and investments under the National Roma, Sinti and Caminanti Inclusion Strategy 2012-2020 did not always result in major improvements in the living conditions, social inclusion and access to rights and services of these communities. Consultation with representatives and associations has, however, improved. The Committee calls for continued support for education in minority languages, wider access for minorities to radio and TV programmes in their languages, and increased awareness of their cultures in the wider society. The opinion is based on the information provided by governmental and non-governmental sources, including that obtained during its visit to Italy in November 2021. The opinion has been published together with the comments in English and Italian from the authorities.

 Press release
National minorities in Armenia: prevailing climate of tolerance, but freedom of expression must be protected, early and forced marriages prevented, education improved

 Press release
Protection of National Minorities: Italy should pay more attention to numerically smaller linguistic minorities and strengthen the protection of Roma and Sinti

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Strasbourg 13 February 2023
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