The logo

The logo is designed to uniquely identify the Council of Europe. The shape, font and colour of the logo must not be altered. The logo is bilingual, English and French, the two Council of Europe official languages.  It cannot be translated into other languages.

It is not recommended to use one or several elements of the logo to create new logos or designs.

Download the logo and logo associations

Various versions of the logo of the Organisation are available for download

Are also available for downloads:

The Council of Europe logo associations

The Council of Europe - European Union joint programmes' logos

Council of Europe visual identity

The visual identity manual of the Organisation, which includes the usage of the official logo, is downloadable here.

For guidance on typographical, linguistic and stylistic issues, please download the Council of Europe English style guide.

Copyright, licensing & permissions

Please consult our dedicated page for guidance on the rights to quote, link, reproduce or translate Council of Europe communication materials.

Logo reproduction

Use of the Council of Europe logo is subject to authorization. Authorization will not be granted if such use is contrary to the Council of Europe's values and principles, if the logo is to be used for commercial purposes or if it is to be used in conjunction with the logo, name or trade mark of a firm. Each case will be considered individually in order to ascertain whether the aforementioned conditions are met. Authorization does not confer any entitlement to exclusivity.

Requests should be sent using following form:

Use of the logo - Authorisation request

Знаете ли вы?
В ходе исполнения постановлений Европейского суда по правам человека государства − члены Совета Европы изменяют законодательство и практику его применения в различных сферах.


Сколько коренных языков насчитывается в Европе?

  1. менее 100
  2. от 100 до 200
  3. более 200




