A counter terrorism cimkéjű tartalom.



Commissioner urges the UK to initiate an independent, judge-led inquiry into counterterrorism abuses

04/09/2018 Strasbourg

Today the Commissioner published a letter she addressed to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, in which she urges the UK Government to initiate a judge-led inquiry on detainee mistreatment and rendition following the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. The letter follows up...

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Human rights in Turkey – the urgent need for a new beginning

Euronews, 10/03/2017 Human rights protection in Turkey has been scaled back alarmingly in recent years as restrictive government and judicial actions have progressively affected large strata of society. This dangerous path, which runs counter to Turkey’s human rights obligations and undermines...

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Human rights in Europe should not buckle under mass surveillance

Open Democracy, 12/02/2016 Privacy is a fundamental human right essential for living in dignity and security. This is why it is necessary that European countries pause and get back on the right track. European countries have made remarkable progress in the last decades to ensure individual...

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Luttons contre le terrorisme dans le respect du droit

Le Monde, 03/02/2016 La pérennisation de l’état d’urgence est néfaste et risque d’offrir une victoire aux agresseurs et à la peur en stigmatisant collectivement les musulmans, estime Nils Muiznieks, commissaire aux droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe. Les récentes déclarations du...

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Opinion article

Europe is spying on you

Strasbourg 27/10/2015

New York Times, 28/10/2015 - When Edward Snowden disclosed details of America’s huge surveillance program two years ago, many in Europe thought that the response would be increased transparency and stronger oversight of security services.

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Lettre au Conseiller fédéral au sujet du projet de loi sur le renseignement

Lettre du Commissaire aux droits de l'homme du Conseil de l'Europe, Nils Muižnieks, à M. Ueli MAURER, Conseiller fédéral, au sujet du projet de loi sur le renseignement CommDH(2015)24 Réponse de M. Ueli MAURER, Conseiller fédéral, à la lettre du Commissaire aux droits de l'homme du Conseil de...

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Security services should not have "carte blanche"

OpenDemocracy, 5 June 2015 It seems obvious that human rights must be compromised to guarantee security in the face of armed violence. Obvious but wrong. Myths die hard, in particular when they play on fears. One of the most common myths of recent years is that we have to forfeit some of our...

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The Commissioner addresses the French Senate on surveillance bill

20/05/2015 Strasbourg

Today the Commissioner has released a letter addressed to the members of the French Senate Commission which is discussing the surveillance bill. The Commissioner reiterates the importance of adopting a law which is compliant with human rights and thus urges the Senators to dispel the concerns...

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Renseignement : "Le projet de loi porte gravement atteinte aux libertés"

Le Monde, 13/04/2015 Le terrorisme est une menace réelle et un défi à la solidité de nos démocraties. Cette menace nécessite une réponse efficace pour protéger nos sociétés. Néanmoins, les Etats ne sauraient prendre des mesures antiterroristes qui sapent la démocratie, l’Etat de droit et les...

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Anti-terrorism and human rights

New Europe, 31/07/2014 If you think that democracies can harmlessly forfeit human rights in the fight against terrorism, you should think twice. On 24 July, the European Court of Human Rights, the highest judicial body protecting the rights of individuals in 47 European countries, delivered two...

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