Înapoi Belgium: Amended Judicial Code enhances freedom of religion

Lachiri v. Belgium

A law of 28 November 2021 (published on 30 November) amended Article 759 of the Judicial Code, which used to read: "Whoever attends a hearing shall stand uncovered, respectful and silent: whatever the judge orders for the maintenance of order shall be carried out punctually and immediately."

By deleting the word "uncovered" and no longer referring to "uncovered head" (orders from certain magistrates to remove a hijab, kippah or any head covering for medical reasons), the Belgian authorities have provided a definitive solution to the issue raised in the Lachiri judgment. Cases similar to that of the applicant (excluded from a courtroom in 2007 for refusing to remove her hijab, on the basis of the former Article 759 of the Judicial Code) may not reoccur in the future.

 Country factsheet - Belgium

 Thematic factsheet - Freedom of religion

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