Tilbage Commissioner consults ombudsmen on concrete support for the control mechanism of the European Convention of Human Rights

[15/01/07 14:00] In a preliminary consultation with ombudsmen, Commissioner Hammarberg proposed enhanced cooperation as part of an effort to support the long-term effectiveness of the European Convention of Human Rights control mechanism.

The meeting was part of an ongoing dialogue with national human rights structures - ombudsmen and human rights commissions or institutes - the next major step of which is a conference on 12-13 April 2007 in Athens. Discussions focused on the recommendations of the Group of Wise Persons in their final report dated 15 November 2006. That report suggests that an active network of the Commissioner and national human rights structures could be of assistance to the European Court of Human Rights.

Following an initiative of the European Chapter of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI), the meeting was hosted by the Petitions Committee of the German Parliament and was also attended by a representative of the European Group of National Human Rights Institutions (Commissions).

Meeting documents

Meeting agenda (.doc format)
List of participants (.doc format)
Compilation of replies to a questionnaire of the International Ombudsman institute – European region on possibilities of enhanced co-operation
Synopsis of the answers to the questionnaire (.doc format)


International Ombudsman Institute - European Region
Report of the Group of Wise Persons to the Committee of Ministers (979bis Meeting, 15 November 2006)