
Commissioner’s video message to the Berlin Process Ministerial meeting on Roma integration within the EU enlargement process

18/09/2024 Strasbourg

Video message delivered to the Ministerial meeting on Roma integration within the EU enlargement process, organised in the context of the Berlin Process Meetings 2024, Berlin, 18 September 2024: Hello, and thank you so much for inviting me to this important meeting. I apologize that I can only...

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Journalism Excellence Awards 2024: СМИ - ключевой союзник в защите прав человека народа Рома

18/06/2024 Страсбург

Выступление Майкла О'Флаэрти по случаю церемонии вручения наград за достижения в области журналистики - "Этичные репортажи СМИ о народе Рома и борьба с расизмом и антицыганством с помощью СМИ" Речь на английском языке. Good evening, everybody. It is a great pleasure to be here on the occasion of...

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Комиссар призывает к большему уважению достоинства народа Рома

08/04/2024 Страсбург

Принимая участие сегодня в мероприятии, посвященном Международному дню цыган в Страсбурге, Комиссар произнес следующую речь: Речь на английском языке. “Excellencies, esteemed representatives of the city of Strasbourg, distinguished chair of the Council of Europe Committee of Experts on Roma and...

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CHACHIPEN Project "History, Memory and Justice for #Roma in Europe

25/04/2023 Brussels

Message to the Final Conference, CHACHIPEN Project "History, Memory and Justice for #Roma in Europe Distinguished participants, Dear organisers, dear colleagues, Thank you for your invitation to the final event of the CHACHIPEN Project on "History, Memory and Justice for Roma in Europe". I am...

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Обмен мнениями с Европейским комитетом по социальным правам

17/05/2021 Страсбург

Речь на английском языке. Good afternoon to you all and thank you very much for the invitation to this exchange of views! This is the first time that we meet, and the timing is certainly good. Even though there are signs of relief now, at least in Europe, the Covid-19 pandemic has been much more...

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Создание доверия путём раскрытия и признания правды: признание и меры по борьбе с анти-цыганским отношением

20/03/2019 Европейский Парламент, Брюссель

Dear Commissioners, members of parliaments, representatives of the Roma community, distinguished participants: As I was preparing for this speech, I looked back at my first year as Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights to recall examples of work I have done to promote truth and...

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День памяти жертв Холокоста среди народов рома : наш долг памяти и борьбы с антигипсизмом в сегодняшней Европе

02/08/2018 Аушвиц-Биркенау

Сегодня, в Аушвиц-Биркенау, Комиссар Миятович принимает участие в Дне памяти жертв Холокоста во время Второй мировой войны. В своем обращении она отдает дань уважения людям, пережившим геноцид, подчеркивает наш долг памяти и важность борьбы с сохраняющимися предрассудками и ненавистью к народам...

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Developments in human rights at local and regional levels

Developments in human rights at local and regional levels. Speech by Nils Muižnieks, Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, at the 32nd Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities CommDH/Speech(2017)2

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Seminar on Measures to Promote Reconciliation

Speech by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, at the Conference presenting the results of the work of the Norwegian Tater/Romani Commission (Oslo, 1-2 June 2015) CommDH/Speech(2015)5

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Global Forum on Statelessness

Keynote address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, at the Global Forum on Statelessness (The Hague, 15-17 September 2014) CommDH/Speech(2014)8

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Stateless but not rightless: improving the protection of stateless persons in Europe

Stateless but not rightless: improving the protection of stateless persons in Europe. Keynote Speech by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights at the Conference organised by UNHCR and the European Network on Statelessness (Strasbourg, 8 April 2014) CommDH/Speech(2014)6

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European Roma and Travellers Forum Plenary Assembly

European Roma and Travellers Forum Plenary Assembly. Address by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights (Strasbourg, 3 September 2013) CommDH/Speech(2013)8 / 03 September 2013

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European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion

European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion. Communication by Nils Muižnieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights at the launch event, Strasbourg, 20 March 2013. CommDH/Speech(2013)4 / 21 March 2013

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Roma in Europe: It is high time for states to move from words to action and eliminate systemic discrimination

Strasbourg, 30/09/10 – "Roma and Travellers continue to be subject to racism and pervasive discrimination across all social sectors in many European countries. It is high time to act to reverse this situation" said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, at the...

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