Atzealdea Interconvictional ceremony in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Barcelona

Bringing together different faiths and convictions to pay tribute to the victims

The ceremony was organised in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Barcelona on 17 August 2017 and included in the framework of the citizens’ rights and diversity strategy of Barcelona City Council.

The objective of the initiative was to offer an open space in which to pay tribute to the victims reflecting the diversity of beliefs and convictions which shape Barcelona. To do so, the different elements that composed the ceremony were discussed and agreed with religious communities, interfaith groups, lay and secularist organisations.

The ceremony involved readings of different sacred and humanistic texts and an offering of flowers (which were taken later to La Rambla), with the participation of 34 young members representing different religious communities, non-religious organisations and interfaith initiatives.

The ceremony was attended by 800 people, among them city and regional authorities and religious leaders, was reported by various newspapers and broadcast by different TV and internet channels. It had a huge impact due to the large number of people who followed it and the novelty of the proposal. The vast majority of comments received, from both secular and religious citizens, were very positive.

The action was implemented thanks to the co-operation between Barcelona City Council and the Catalan Government, and it was developed in partnership with several religious communities and non-religious organizations, as well as interfaith initiatives.

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One week (17-24 August 2017)
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