Tilbage The European Court of Human Rights must remain independent and effective

The European Court of Human Rights must remain independent and effective

In a speech given today at a High-Level Conference hosted by the Danish Minister of Justice in Copenhagen, Commissioner Mijatović called on member states to ensure that the Court remains independent and effective.

Highlighting the vital role the Court plays in guaranteeing freedom, justice and human dignity, the Commissioner underscored that attempts to reform the system should not undermine the ability of the Court to interpret the European Convention on Human Rights in a dynamic way.

“Member states must protect all rights equally, strictly respect the independence of the Court, and avoid misinterpreting the principle of subsidiarity to restrict the Court’s role”, she said. “As an Organisation which promotes human rights, democracy and the rule of law, we have a particular responsibility to ensure that this happens. I intend to contribute to this endeavour by continuing to increase the awareness of national authorities and civil society about the Convention system and help member states to remedy structural problems that may hinder the protection of human rights. I also intend to provide the Court with objective and impartial information through third party interventions and to develop my contribution to the execution of judgments.”

Copenhagen 12/04/2018
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