Human rights and gender identity and expression (2024)

Available versions:  
English | French (currently being translated)
Summary and main recommendations: English |French

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Europe: Progress and Challenges (2024)

Available versions:
 English | French (currently being translated)

Protecting the Defenders: Ending repression of human rights defenders assisting refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Europe (2024)

Available versions:
 English | French
Introduction and recommendations:
Croatian French | German | Greek | Hungarian | Italian | Latvian | Polish | Spanish

Dealing with the past for a better future - Achieving justice, peace and social cohesion in the region of the former Yugoslavia (2023)

Available versions:
 English | French (currently being translated)
Summary of the report: AlbanianBosnian | Croatian | English | French | Macedonian | Serbian
Report in a nutshell: Albanian | Bosnian | Croatian | English | French | Macedonian | Serbian

Human rights by design - future-proofing human rights protection in the era of AI (2023)

Available versions:
 English | French

Crimean Tatars' struggle for human rights (2023)

Available versions:

Pushed beyond the limits: Four areas of urgent action to end human rights violations at Europe's borders (2022)

Available versions:
 English | French

A distress call for human rights. The widening gap in migrant
protection in the Mediterranean (2021)

Available versions:
 English | French | ItalianSpanish

Protecting the right to health through
inclusive and resilient health care for all (2021)

Available versions:
 English | French

Close the gap. How to ensure human rights for all (2020)

Available versions:
 English | French

Lives saved. Rights protected. (2019)

Available versions:
 English | French | Italian | Spanish

Unboxing artificial intelligence (2019)

Available versions:
 Croatian | English | French | Russian | Serbian

Human Rights in Europe: from crisis to renewal? (2018)

Available versions:

Women's sexual and reproductive health and rights (2017)

Available versions:
 English | French
Summary and recommendations from the report:
ItalianGerman | Polish | Russian | Spanish | Turkish

Inclusive education (2017)

Available versions:
 Albanian | Bosnian | Croatian | Czech | English | French | Macedonian | Spanish

Family reunification (2017)

Available versions:
 English | French

Time for Europe to get migrant integration right (2016)

Available versions:
 English | French

Missing persons and victims of enforced disappearance in Europe (2016)

Available versions:
 English | French

Democratic and effective oversight of national security services (2015)

Available versions:
 English | French | German | Turkish | Russian

Human rights and intersex people (2015)

Available versions:
Bosnian | English | French |Russian

The rule of law on the Internet and in the wider digital world (2014)

Available versions:
FrenchEnglish | German | Spanish Russian | Turkish

Safeguarding human rights in times of economic crisis (2013)

Available versions:
BulgarianEnglish | French | Greek | Spanish

The right to leave a country (2013)

Available versions:
Albanian | Bulgarian | English | French | German | MacedonianRomanian | Serbian

The right of people with disabilities to live independently
and be included in the community (2012)

Available versions:
English | French | Serbian

Who gets to decide? Right to legal capacity for persons with intellectual
and psychosocial disabilities (2012)

Available versions:
English | French | Serbian

Post-war justice and durable peace in the former Yugoslavia (2012)

Available versions:
English | Bosnian | Croatian | Serbian

Human rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe (2012)

Available versions:
Extracts from the full report Albanian | Bulgarian | Czech | French | Hungarian | Italian | Romani | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Spanish | Turkish

Human rights and a changing media landscape (2011)

Available versions:

Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation
and gender identity in Europe (2011)

Available versions:
English | French | Russian
Extracts from the full report
Bosnian/Serbian | Croatian | Turkish

Human rights in Europe: no grounds for complacency (2011)

Available versions:
English | French | Russian | Swedish | Turkish

Andrei Sakharov and Human Rights (2011)

Available versions:
English | Russian

Janusz Korczak, the Child's Right to Respect (2009)

Available versions: 
English | French

Protecting the Right to Privacy in the fight against terrorism (2008)

Available versions: 
English | French