Start Date: 01 January 2023

  Duration: 24 months

 Funding: EUR 600 000

Donor: Donors contributing to the Council of Europe Action Plan for Armenia 2023–2026

Partners: Ministry of Defence; Ministry of Justice; Office of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia on International Legal Matters; Human Rights Defender’s Office; Justice Academy, Marshal A. Khanperyants Military Aviation University of the Ministry of Defence of Armenia, Military University named after V. Sargsyan of the Ministry of Defence of Armenia, Military Police, Court of Cassation.

Contact person: Mr Armen Grigoryan, Project Manager

Expected IMPACT of the Project: Members of the armed forces enjoy better protection of human and social rights and women’s role in the military is empowered.

As a result of Project implementation it is anticipated that:
1.    The framework and mechanisms to prevent and address human rights violations in the armed forces are further aligned with European human rights standards;
2.    The armed forces personnel implement a human rights policy in the armed forces, in line with Council of Europe principles and recommendations, with a specific attention to matters related to social protection and health care rights of military personnel, including women and veterans.

Project aims at achieving the following results:

  • The Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Justice, HRDO, judicial and law enforcement bodies engage with CoE experts in revising the relevant policies, legal and regulatory frameworks with a view to։ a) ensure prevention of human rights violations in the armed forces, and effective examination thereto, and b) to enable stronger internal systems to detect, record and prevent alleged human rights violations in the army;
  • Relevant services of the MoD possess the expertise to revise and/or develop internal regulatory instruments and procedures to ensure effective application of gender equality, healthcare and social guarantees into the daily life of military servicepersons;
  • Armed forces personnel, law-enforcement and judicial bodies, the HRDO have enhanced knowledge and skills to effectively address human rights violations in the army through application of European human rights standards in their respective functions;
  • Professional and operational capacities of relevant entities responsible for ensuring and promoting the enhancement of participation of women serviceperson within the military are further strengthened;
  • The policymakers and relevant actors in the armed forces introduce and apply a human rights-based approach in line with the CoE standards in the armed forces, military education, research  and awareness raising activities.


Reference documents