Democratic Development, Decentralisation and Good Governance in Armenia

Start date: January 2019
Duration: 36 months
Budget: 1 500 000 EUR
Donor: Austrian Development Cooperation
Partners: Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, local authorities in Armenia, local government associations, civil society organisations


The Project “Democratic Development, Decentralisation and Good Governance in Armenia” aims at supporting democratic consolidation by developing effective, accountable and transparent local government bodies, promoting good governance principles, and fostering inclusive participation and equal opportunities for women in political decision-making across mutually reinforcing lines of action. The specific objectives of the Project are to strengthen the legal framework for local democracy in Armenia based on European standards; develop the capacities of local institutions and officials; promote local ownership and sustainable outcomes; and promote respect for principles of good governance and public administration.

It is expected that as a result of the Project:

  • Legal and policy advice provided to the Government of Armenia and local authorities will ensure that the legislative, institutional and fiscal framework for local democracy is improved in line with European standards through inclusive participation and equal representation.
  • Capacity-development of local authorities will contribute to more efficient and effective structures, improved transparency and accountability, and the inclusive participation of women, youth and poor / disadvantaged groups in relevant decision-making processes.
  • Capacity-development of local authorities and provision of start-up grants will lead to the establishment of inter-community unions that provide improved services to citizens.
  • Benchmarking of standard municipal services and local finances will lead to improved financial management and increased fiscal autonomy of municipalities.
  • Enhanced understanding and application of good governance principles will strengthen institutional structures at local level. Particular attention will be paid to public ethics, equality between women and men, human resource management.