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Senior Adviser and Team Leader for Social, Human Rights, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues, Office of the President, United Nations General Assembly

Alexandre Stutzmann is a Senior Adviser and Team Leader for Social, Humanitarian and Cultural issues in the Office of the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations (74th session) in New York City. He was previously the Director for parliamentary committees in the field of external policies in the European Parliament (2015-2019). An EP official since 2001, he previously headed the Secretariat of the Foreign Affairs Committee (2014-2015) and served as the Diplomatic Adviser to three consecutive Presidents of the European Parliament (2007- 2014). He is a graduate in German studies, political science and law from the Ecole Normale Supérieure as well as the Sorbonne University in Paris. He was a postgraduate scholar in international relations at the European University Institute in Florence (1997-2001), while teaching political science at New York University (1999-2001).