8 November 2019 - 10.30-11.30 / Council of Europe Hemicycle

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World Forum for Democracy 2019: Plenary 4, 5 and Closing Session

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Palais de l'Europe, Hemicycle 8 November 2019 - 9.00 - 13.00
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DELOIRE Christophe

Christophe DELOIRE

Secretary general of Reporters Without Borders

Christophe Deloire is the Executive Director of Reporters Without Borders since 2012. Recognised as a public utility, with consultative status at the United Nations and UNESCO, Reporters Without Borders promotes and defends freedom of information throughout the world.

DESIR Harlem  2019

Harlem DESIR

OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

GOOCH Antony

Anthony GOOCH

Director of Public Affairs and Communication, OECD

Anthony Gooch is the Director of Public Affairs & Communications at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He is responsible for developing and implementing the organisation’s public affairs, communications and engagement strategies, working globally with the breadth non-governmental stakeholders on all areas of public policy. Since joining the OECD in 2008, Anthony played a key role in managing the OECD’s major international public campaigns in response to the Global Financial Crisis and sensitive issues such as the fight against tax havens and to establish fairer tax systems, combatting international bribery. He’s the Director of the OECD Forum and Chair of the OECD Global Parliamentary Network. He conceived the OECD Better Life Index, a ground-breaking initiative to put citizens at the heart of efforts to improve the well-being and quality of life. More recently he has taken the lead in framing and shaping OECD’s response to the challenge of the “post-truth” era. Prior to joining the OECD, he headed the European Commission's Media and Public Diplomacy operations in the United Kingdom and in the United States. Anthony is a former fellow of University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy, has a postgraduate degree in Political Science & International Relations, Sciences Po Paris; an MA in Modern History, Cambridge University.



Senior Adviser and Team Leader for Social, Human Rights, Humanitarian and Cultural Issues, Office of the President, United Nations General Assembly

Alexandre Stutzmann is a Senior Adviser and Team Leader for Social, Humanitarian and Cultural issues in the Office of the President of the General Assembly of the United Nations (74th session) in New York City. He was previously the Director for parliamentary committees in the field of external policies in the European Parliament (2015-2019). An EP official since 2001, he previously headed the Secretariat of the Foreign Affairs Committee (2014-2015) and served as the Diplomatic Adviser to three consecutive Presidents of the European Parliament (2007- 2014). He is a graduate in German studies, political science and law from the Ecole Normale Supérieure as well as the Sorbonne University in Paris. He was a postgraduate scholar in international relations at the European University Institute in Florence (1997-2001), while teaching political science at New York University (1999-2001).



Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe

Mrs Battaini-Dragoni has served as the Council of Europe’s Deputy Secretary General since 2012 and was re-elected in June 2015. She oversees the implementation of the Secretary General’s reform agenda, in line with the decisions and priorities of the Committee of Ministers. Her priorities include shaping the Programme and Budget to guarantee member States value for money, while ensuring that the Organisation’s activities have maximum impact in advancing democracy, human rights and the rule of law. She also oversees the Council of Europe’s staff policy.


António (Portugal), Bado (Canada), Boligán (Mexico), Chappatte (Switzerland), Camdelafu (Venezuela), Dlog (Tunisia), Uri Fink (Israel), Ali Ghamir (Morocco), Glez (Burkina Faso), Xavier Gorce (France), Khalid Gueddar (Morocco), Izel (Turkey), Kak (France), Vladimir Kazanevsky (Ukraine), Khalil (Palestine), Michael Kichka (Israel), L'Andalou (Algeria), Lefrançois (France), Denis Lopatin (Russian Federation), Pedro X. Molina (Nicaragua), Mykaïa (France), Nardi (Italy), Needall (Tunisie), Piet (France), Plantu (France), Lars Refn (Denmark), Rayma (Venezuela), Tjeerd Royaards (Netherlands), Laurent Salles (France), Ann Telnaes (USA), Vadot (Belgium), Wiglaf (France), Yemsrach Yetneberk (Ethiopia), Z (Tunisia), Willy Zekid (Congo Brazzaville), Zohoré (Ivory Coast), Zlatkovsky (Russian Federation)