7 November 2023 - 16.45-18.30  / Room 6 Palais de l'Europe

Interpretation FR/EN

In co-operation with Council of Europe’s Platform for the protection of journalism and the safety of journalists           

By offering a critical reading of the society and its excesses, and by provoking a democratic debate, press cartoons contribute fully to the culture of dialogue and, consequently, to peace.

Yet all over the world, press cartoonists are often censored or subjected to verbal, physical or institutional violence. These attacks are indicative of the erosion of democracy and must be denounced and fought. This is what Cartooning for Peace and its partners are doing to enable these soldiers of democracy to continue to work in peace, for peace. Cartooning for Peace will discuss the role of press cartoons in democracy and the pressures on their authors to inform, alert or denounce, through the presentation of a report on the situation of press cartoonists around the world, in partnership with Cartoonists Rights and presented for the first time at the World Forum for Democracy.

Forum Talk 9: Press cartoonist: a profession in danger

Full screen: ENFR / ORIGINAL

Palais de l'Europe, room 6 7 November 2023 (16.45-18.30)
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Interview with Rachita TANEJA, Cartoonist, India

VASAK Vladimir 2023

Vladimir VASAK

Senior reporter for ARTE


A senior reporter for ARTE news programmes, Vladimir Vasak has produced numerous documentaries around the world. In 2012 he was awarded three prizes for two web documentaries produced for ARTE and France TV at the La Rochelle Web Festival. In 2009 he was also awarded the Louise Weiss Prize for European Journalism for "Journey around the Black Sea". Vladimir Vasak is also a member of the Board of Directors of Cartooning for Peace with the cartoonist Plantu; the President of the Strasbourg-Europe Press Club, which organises and leads debates; a member of the Convention for the Sixth Republic with Mr Arnaud Montebourg and involved in several projects relating to Robert Doisneau.

ANDERSON Terry 2023


Director of Cartoonists Rights

Terry Anderson is the Executive Director at CARTOONISTS RIGHTS, the international human rights NGO specifically for cartoonists under threat. In 2019 the organisation was made an Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards Fellow in recognition of their campaigning. A cartoonist himself, Anderson was a founding member of the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio and a past president of the Scottish Artists Union. In 2022 he received the Prix Gérard Vandenbroucke at the Salon International de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d’Humour of St Just Le Martel. He is a member of the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation (UK) as well as France-Cartoons and Cartoon Movement (Netherlands).

KAK 2023


Cartoonist, President of Cartooning for Peace


It is thanks to the press cartooning competition launched in the summer of 2013 by the daily newspaper l’Opinion that Kak joined their editorial staff. Since then, he has been illustrating the newspaper’s front page every day and has been sticking his spikes in the four cardinal points of French and international politics. Kak also draws for Franc Tireur et Le Film français.His hobbies: comics, cartoons, and cinema (a sector where he worked for 20 years). He thus takes a malicious pleasure in portraying our rulers as characters from Disney, Pixar, Uderzo, Franquin, Hergé and other drawing geniuses. And he always does it with a lot of application in his line, faithful to a thought gleaned from Nietzsche: “Man’s maturity is to have found the seriousness that we had at play when we were children.“ Kak is president of the Cartooning for Peace.



Editorial co-ordinator of the annual report by the partner organisations to the Safety of Journalists Platform

Jean-Paul Marthoz is a foreign affairs columnist at the Brussels daily Le Soir and author of some 20 books, in particular The Media and Terrorism (UNESCO, 2017). He has been European Press Director at Human Rights Watch and EU correspondent of the Committee to Protect Journalists. He has carried out missions on press freedom in Russia, Turkey, Hungary, Algeria, and taught international journalism at the UCLouvain, Belgium. He sits on the Editorial Board of Index on Censorship magazine, the Advisory Board of the Ethical Journalism Network and is the editorial coordinator of the annual report of the COE’s Journalist Safety Platform.


Rachita TANEJA



Rachita Taneja is an Indian political cartoonist and the creator of Sanitary Panels. Sanitary Panels is a feminist webcomic that comments on society, culture, and politics. Through her work, Rachita observes the mood of the country on politics and current affairs, and aims to challenge myths and taboos around menstruation, mental health, and queer rights.



Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the Council of Europe

the Netherlands


Laetitia MERZOUK