9 November 2021, 11.30-13.00 - Room 8 – Palais de l’Europe

Interpretation: FR/EN

The well-being of ecosystems is profoundly connected to human well-being: degraded quality of air, soil and water endanger human health and threaten livelihoods. In this regard, interlinkages between the environment and human rights become obvious — deterioration of the natural world endangers the human right to life, to family life, to protection of health and so on.

A “human rights” approach could ensure stronger guarantees for legislative measures to protect the environment and, consequently, to enable citizens to demand and exercise their rights in relation to the environment. However, in the absence of an explicit human right to a safe, clean, healthy, or sustainable environment, it might be difficult to make any significant progress. The discussion will focus on current legislative and judicial practices and explore ways forward for advancing environmental protection and human rights.

Forum Talk 2 - Human rights for climate

Full screen: ENFR / ORIGINAL

Room 8 – Palais de l’Europe 9 November 2021, 11.30-13.00
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Ambassador, Permanent representative of Finland to the Council of Europe


video message

Prof Yukari TAKAMURA

Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo


Yukari Takamura specialises in international law and environmental law. Her research focuses on legal and governance issues relating to multilateral environmental agreements as well as climate and energy laws and policies. She is member of the Editorial Board of Journal Sustainability Science and of the Editorial Advisory Board of Journal Climate Policy. After receiving Master of Laws (Public International Law) from Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, she was appointed Associate Professor at Shizuoka University. Before joining the University of Tokyo in 2018, she worked as Professor at Ryukoku University, Kyoto, and Professor at Nagoya University, Japan. She also studied at Graduate School of University of Paris II (Panthéon-Assas), France and was Visiting Researcher at University of London, U.K. She serves as member of governmental advisory bodies, among others, Central Environmental Council as President, Procurement Price Calculation Committee for Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy as Chair and Science Council of Japan as Vice President.   She also serves as one of 10 members in the expert meeting established under the Prime Minister to promote climate actions and member of Advisory Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development of ADB.  She received Environmental Conservation Merit's Minister of the Environment Award in 2018.



Barrister (Specialist advocate), Twenty Essex Chambers, London

United Kingdom

Monica is a barrister, a specialist in public International law, at the Bar of England & Wales. She is counsel in the Torres Strait Islanders case, the first world case directly addressing climate change, before the United Nations Human Rights Committee. She is also lead counsel in the Cerrejon mine case - seeking closure of one of the largest open pit mines in the world and lead counsel in the Montara Oil Spill case (one of Australia's worst oil disasters). She currently represents cases raising sea-level rise issues, sinking islands, environmental degradation, oil spills, transboundary harm, climate change as a human rights issue, environmental harm of waterways, protection of rivers, biodiversity, phasing-out coal mining and the enforcement of the Paris Agreement before a variety of international courts and tribunals, and other mechanisms such as UN Special Procedures and OECD procedures. Monica has also advised Sovereign States on remedies for climate change before international courts and tribunals in particular before the international Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Because of her ground-breaking work on climate change litigation, she was featured in The Lawyer "Hot 100" last year, as amongst "the most daring, innovative and creative lawyers" in the United Kingdom, and was "Barrister of the Year" Finalist in The Lawyers' Awards 2020. Monica holds an LLM (LSE) and the Diploma from The Hague Academy in International Law. She is a Partner Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge.



Senior Lawyer, Fundamental Rights Specialist, Client Earth


Irmina is a human rights lawyer with expertise in women rights, migration and discrimination. She has more than 10 years of litigation experience. She was working in the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe. Her current work focus on ensuring synergies between the human rights framework and the environmental law with particular attention to the right to a healthy environment and the right to clean and healthy air. She co-operates with lawyers and Civil Society Organisations from Europe and beyond supporting litigation on national and supranational level before human rights forums. She helps to coordinate and manage ClientEarth’s cross-programmatic work on human rights issues.



Senior Legal Associate, Climate Litigation Network

the Netherlands

Lucy Maxwell is a human rights lawyer working on climate change litigation, and Senior Legal Associate at the Climate Litigation Network, a project of the Urgenda Foundation. In 2013, Urgenda filed a ground-breaking case against the Dutch government resulting in the first time a court has ordered a government to significantly reduce its national greenhouse gas emissions.



Lawyer, human rights and environment defender


Luca Saltalamacchia has been involved in environmental and peace movements since his youth. He graduated in Law from the Federico II University in Naples in 1997 with a thesis on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. He deals with civil law, as well as environmental protection and human rights. On behalf of associations and movements, he has followed a number of cases of human rights violations perpetrated by Italian multinationals against local populations as a result of projects with a strong environmental impact.



WFD Youth Delegate, Youth of United Nations Association of Tanzania (YUNA) Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI)


I’m a holder of a bachelor degree of laws (LLB) from University of Dar es salaam in Tanzania. I’m an active member of the youth-led organizations of YALI and YUNA. I have an ardent passion in matters pertaining to international human rights law and international laws. My passion for human rights work and research has led me to endeavor in several international moot court competitions during my undergraduate studies so as to gain more knowledge and state practice in the realm of international human rights laws. I’m really interested in matters pertaining to human rights and climate change and how the former can be utilized effectively to combat the latter under the umbrella of democracy and diplomacy.

BHARADWAJ Niranjan Dev

Niranjan Dev BHARADWAJ

WFD Youth Delegate, Distinguished Advisor - Global Foundation for Advancement of Environment and Human Wellness


I am Niranjan Dev Bharadwaj, Indian Author of the book “Environmental Ethics and India’s Perspective on Environment” which is published by National Book Trust, India (NBT), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. I am also an Environmentalist, TEDx  and International speaker who has given talks on  Ecological issues in Iran, Thailand, Nepal,  Uzbekistan and various places in India. I have keen interests on topics of WFD related to the environment, environmental governance and development for sustainability, making people aware of the protection of Environment and working towards making Earth a better place to live for all.


Master's student in international relations, Sciences PO, Strasbourg, France