Chairmanship - Austria
Committee of Ministers
Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers meet in Vienna
The Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the Council of Europe's 47 member states met in Vienna on 6 May, at the Hofburg palace. At the end of the session, Sebastian Kurz, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Austria and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers presented the Conclusions of the Chairman....
Secretary General
Kiev: Secretary General Jagland and Austrian Foreign Minister Kurz meet with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and Foreign Minister Deshchytsia
Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland and Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz are in Kiev today for talks about the situation in Ukraine, and in particular eastern Ukraine. Meetings are scheduled with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk and Foreign Minister Deshchytsia, among others....
Experts meet to ensure ‘shared histories’ taught in schools across Europe
The importance of teaching the national histories of other countries is one of the key issues to be discussed this week at a top-level Council of Europe conference in Vienna. At a time when many European countries are scaling down or threatening to cut the teaching of European history, around 100...
Parliamentary Assembly
Austrian president urges caution on vote over PACE’s Russian delegation powers
Just one day before the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly is to consider a report on the powers of its Russian delegation, Austrian President Heinz Fischer told assembled members that "dialogue is the only way" to deal with the conflict. "It is fairly easy to close doors, but once they...
Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers
“The Council of Europe appeal to Russia to engage dialogue with Ukraine should be heard", says Austrian Foreign Minister Kurz
In a speech to the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly outlining work of the Austrian chairmanship – including the fight against corruption and efforts to increase ratifications of the Council of Europe Convention on Violence against Women – Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz focused on the...
Council of Europe
Graz conference discusses how to ensure users´ rights on the Internet
An international conference is addressing - on 13-14 March in Graz - the challenges to human rights of Internet users. Organised by the government of Austria in cooperation with the Council of Europe, the conference "Shaping the Digital Environment – Ensuring our Rights on the Internet" brings...
Secretary General
Secretary General Jagland and Austrian Foreign Minister Kurz on joint mission to Kiev
Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland and Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz visit Kiev on Monday for talks with the acting government and civil society. They met with the Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk and the Acting President Oleksandr Turchynov. They discussed measures...
Committee of Ministers
Ukraine : Committee of Ministers expresses solidarity and underlines importance of democratic context for efforts to find a political solution
An extraordinary meeting of the Council of Europe's Ministers' Deputies was held on Wednesday to take stock of the political situation in Ukraine and consider the assistance which the Organisation could bring in this context. Expressing its solidarity with Ukraine and its people, the Committee...
Council of Europe
Council of Europe-OSCE conference: protect victims, prosecute criminals of human trafficking
At an international anti-trafficking conference in Vienna (17-18 February), European officials are calling on governments to intensify the fight against modern-day slavery by taking specific steps to protect victims and prosecute the criminals who commit this crime. "For all our economic and...
Parliamentary Assembly
Austrian Chancellor sounds alarm on youth unemployment in Europe
Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann told members of the Council of Europe's Parliamentary Assembly today that European governments cannot allow themselves to "become accustomed" to high youth unemployment. He said that measures already taken to save banks and to stabilize economies constituted...
Reference sites
- Committee of Ministers
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers
Austria and...
- the Council of Europe
- the Parliamentary Assembly
- the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
- the European Court of Human Rights