Brussels (Press Club Brussels Europe) , 

The new Council of Europe guide to human rights for internet users will be presented at this event, under the Belgian chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers. The event will include panel discussions with representatives of various international organisations, NGOs and the private sector on challenges to human rights online and possible solutions.

The Council Europe is publishing – on the occasion of Human Rights Day -, the  guide to human rights for Internet users in Arabic, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Turkish, following the publication of the English and French versions earlier this year.

The guide is contained in a Council of Europe Committee of Ministers recommendation adopted in April 2014, and is grounded on the European Convention on Human Rights, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights and the cybercrime and data protection conventions.

Language versions: English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Español, Pусский, Türk, النسخة العربية

More informationGuide to human rights for internet users

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