Documents about participatory democracy
- Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)6 of the Committee of Minister to member States on deliberative democracy
- CM (2017) 83 Guidelines for civil participation in political decision making
- CM/Rec (2018) 4 on the participation of citizens in the local public life
- Explanatory Memorandum to the Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)4 on the participation of citizens in local public life
- Revised Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the decision making process (2019 version) + Turkish version
- Civil participation in political decision making. An overview of Standards and Practices in CoE Member States (2016) by CDDG
- SG 2021 Report Chapter 4 ‘Political Institutions’
- CETS 122 European Charter of Local Self-Government
- Civil participation in decision-making toolkit
- Civil participation in decision-making operational toolkit + Summary (Georgian version)
- CivicLab, a tool for development, analysis and forecasting of options in the decision-making process + Summary (Georgian version)
- UChange, a tool for teaching the fundamentals of public participation in a game format + Game board and cards (Georgian version) + UChange game board (Turkish version)
- Mapping Deliberative Democracy in Council of Europe Member States