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NGOs and mayors in a Conference on civil participation

“Participation of citizens is at the very heart of the idea of democracy”. Following this quote of the Committee of Ministers of Council of Europe, the Division of elections and participatory democracy organised a conference on “Civil participation platforms and practices at local level” in Kachreti, Georgia.

The aim of the conference was to introduce the Council of Europe civil participation methodology “Civil participation in decision-making toolkit ” and to encourage a discussion in municipalities. The participants also discussed interest and possibilities to apply the methodology in the Georgian context.

The toolkit strives to channel Council of Europe civil participation standards into an integrated practical framework and guides local authorities and practitioners, through a step-by-step approach, in the development, design and implementation of a context-based and tailor-made strategy, how to increase the participation of citizens in the political decision-making of a community.

More than 70 representatives from municipalities and civil society organisations from seven regions of Georgia as well as representatives from central level, including the Ministry of Regional development and infrastructure, the public defender’s Office of Georgia and the Parliament of Georgia participated in the event.

During the half day event, representatives from Rustavi and Ozurgeti municipalities showcased their experience in building intersectoral platforms and civil participation mechanisms as good practice examples.

The mayor from Rustavi, Ms. Nino Latsabidze underlined the importance of efficient inter-sectoral consultation and dialogue platforms to strengthen the trust between the local governments and citizens.

The event was organised in the framework of the project “Strengthening Participatory Democracy and Human Rights at Local Level in Georgia”, implemented by the Directorate General of Democracy, Division Elections and Participatory Democracy and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Georgia 2020-2023, with the financial contribution of the Austrian Development Cooperation.

Georgia 21 March 2022
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