Back Cameroon

    Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status regarding Budapest Convention

Status : NA Declarations and reservations : N/A See legal profile

Cybercrime policies/strategies

Cameroon has not adopted a cybercrime strategy so far. In May 2016, the government launched the Strategic Plan for a Digital Cameroon by 2020 (in French) that aimed to increase national economic growth by reinforcing the digital economy in all its dimensions: development of electronic communication infrastructure and data processing, development of activities that would derive from the expansion of the digital sector, and transformation of existing sectors through the integration of the use of ICTs.

Specialised institutions

Cameroon maintains a division, which is specially tasked to investigate cybercrimes within the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. In addition, a Networks and Information Systems Security Department includes among its responsibilities “popularizing protective measures for the populations against cybernetic criminal acts” and “centralizing statistical data in the domain of cybersecurity and cybercrime”.

In a generalised context of expansion of new information technologies, the Delegate General for National Security, by Service Note No. 47/DGSN/SG/ DPJ of 23 March 2018, created the Special Unit for the Fight against Cybercrime (USLUCC) within the Judicial Police Directorate. This Unit was made operational as soon as it was created. Its staff is made up of highly qualified and experienced police officers.

The main actor on ICT issues is the National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (ANTIC). The national Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) was established in 2012 within the ANTIC. Its response actions entail gathering and analysing digital evidence which allows for the identification and geolocalisation of cybercriminals within the framework of cybercrime investigations. Response activities also involve processing incidents recorded as well as collaborating with other CIRTs and international cybersecurity organisations such as INTERPOL and AfricaCERT.

Telecom activities are regulated since 1998 by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (Agence de Régulation des Télécommunications).

The National Cyber Expertise Centre opened in July 2015 to carry out research and train experts – 25 per batch - to develop cyber security protection measures, fight cyber criminality and thwart cyber terrorist threats.

Jurisprudence/case law

Sources and links


Reports and Research:

Tools on Cybercrime & Electronic Evidence Empowering You!

These profiles do not necessarily reflect official positions of the States covered or of the Council of Europe. 


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