The Action is aimed at ensuring the regional dimension of activities targeting the inconsistency of national judicial practice and incoherent application of the European Convention on Human Rights by national courts in the beneficiary countries.

The Action's primary objective is to ensure the regional judicial dialogue on contentious legal issues in the area of human rights and on how to ensure the consistent application of national legislation and the ECtHR case law. This will complement a broader, pan-European judicial dialogue maintained by the ECtHR through its Superiour Courts' Network (SCN).

The Action will serve as a liaison platform for all stakeholders in the beneficiary countries engaged in ensuring the consistency of the judicial practice: courts, national training institutions, judicial and prosecutorial councils, prosecutor's offices, providing them with the whole range of the Council of Europe expertise in this area deriving from best practices from across the 47 Members States.

Project information

  • Duration: 36 months (24 May 2019 – 23 May 2022)
  • Place/ country: 
  • Budget: 300 000 EUR
  • Funding: European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey

Project documentation

  • Project Summary
  • Project reports:
     Right to a trial within a reasonable time- ENG
  • HF leaflet - ENG - ALB - BOS -  MKD - MON - SER

Useful links