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CEPEJ will develop a Practical guide on the remote court hearings in cooperation with Ukrainian judicial authorities

The European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ), the Supreme Court, the High Council of Justice and the Council of Judges of Ukraine will jointly develop a Practical guide on the remote court hearings in the context of the ongoing war based on the CEPEJ Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings.

The Practical guide aims to provide answers to concrete questions that legal practitioners may have when organising online hearings in civil, criminal or administrative court proceedings, in matters concerning the respect of the right to a fair trial as well as technical and organisational requirements.

 The Supreme Court of Ukraine requested CEPEJ’s assistance for improving the remote hearings legal framework and practice in line with European standards, which includes an expertise on a draft law on the conduct of proceedings under martial law or state of emergency and the preparation of a Practical Guide for Ukrainian legal professionals.

This support to Ukrainian judicial authorities taking place from July to September 2022 is implemented in the framework of the Council of Europe project "Support for judicial institutions and processes to strengthen access to justice in Ukraine”. The second meeting of the Working Group will take place on 5 September 2022.

Online 5 September 2022
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Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
vul. lllins’ka, 8, 7th entrance, 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine
Phone: + 380 44 425 60 01 (ext. 158)
Fax: +380 44 425 02 62

In Strasbourg:

Project Coordinator

Project Assistant
Gabriela Matei

in Kiev:

Project Manager

Project Officer

Project Assistant