Congress news about Ukraine

Back Meeting in Lviv of the Ukrainian Alliance for Roma Inclusion

Meeting in Lviv of the Ukrainian Alliance for Roma Inclusion

The Ukrainian Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion held a meeting, on 26th February 2019, with Alliance members, local and regional elected officials, parliamentarians and NGO representatives, in Lviv, Ukraine.

In the context of the attacks against Roma in 2018 in various Ukrainian cities, participants discussed potential measures that can be taken to prevent such acts from occurring at the local level: the engagement of public authorities, the implementation of strategies, and cooperation between national and local authorities.

Participants also examined ways in which to combat stereotypes and convey positive messages. This is the main aim of the Declaration against Anti-Gypsyism, launched by the Congress of the Council of Europe, to give local and regional elected representatives, from the 47-member States, the opportunity to take a stand against discrimination towards Roma. Alongside this meeting, several Ukrainian elected officials signed the Declaration, which has in fact already obtained more than a hundred signatories.

Members of the Ukrainian Alliance additionally discussed the results of several initiatives previously carried out to promote Roma inclusion. They namely examined projects that have been implemented in different regions in Ukraine, that focus on education, employment, mediation and participation in decision-making processes.

The meeting was opened, and hosted, by Andriy SADOVYI, Mayor of the municipality of Lviv. Among the speakers were: Svitlana SIMCHYSHYN, Representative of the Ukrainian Ombudsman in the western regions of Ukraine, and Irina SUSLOVA, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, and Chair of the Sub-Committee on Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination.

Roma Alliance | Lviv, Ukraine 26 February 2019
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About the project
Local initiatives

13 local authorities in Ukraine have been selected to receive expert support from the Congress in the implementation of ethical, innovative and inclusive policies and practices in their municipalities. Special attention is given to open, transparent and participatory local decision-making, the engagement of under-represented groups and gender equality, thereby building public trust and resilient communities.

Find out more

Thematic Areas
Past cooperation projects

“Promoting Local Democracy in Ukraine”
Period: 01.07.2015 – 28.02.2018
Partners: Government of Ukraine, local authorities and their associations

“Strengthening the capacity of local authorities in Ukraine”
Period: 01.04.2014 – 31.05.2015
Partners: Government of Ukraine, local authorities and their associations.

“Co-operation with Ukraine – Immediate measures package”
Period: 15.04.2014 – 31.12.2014
Partners: Government of Ukraine, local authorities and their associations.


1721 May Open Government Week

Project Key achievements

bE-Open: Open Local Government | A tool for action
[ English | Ukrainian ]
Preventing and Combatting Sexism at Local Level in Ukraine: Guide for Women and Men in Local Politics
[ English | Ukrainian ]
Management of Change: Tool Guide for Local Authorities
[ English | Ukrainian ]

Congress adopted texts
Mediabox and Useful links

Council of Europe Office in Ukraine

8, Illinska Street, entrance 7, floor 5, Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine


Project Manager,
Council of Europe Office in Kyiv

Marité MORAS
Head of Unit, Co-operation and External Relations Division, Secretariat of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe

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