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Irina Pinischuk, Project Assistant

Council of Europe Office in Ukraine
8 Illinska Street, Entrance 7, 04070 Kyiv, Ukraine
Tel.: + 38 (044) 425 33 70 (ext. 161)

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Back A web page “Execution by Ukraine of ECtHR judgments in the cases of “Zhovner v. Ukraine”, "Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov v. Ukraine", "Burmych and Others v. Ukraine" is developed

A web page “Execution by Ukraine of ECtHR judgments in the cases of “Zhovner v. Ukraine”,

Following the General Conclusions and Recommendations of the Third Annual Forum “Execution of judgments of national courts in Ukraine” and in order to continue public information campaign on the issue of non-execution of judgments, an official information resource (web page) was developed in cooperation with the  Secretariat of the Government Agent before the European Court of Human Rights of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Council of Europe project “Further support for the execution by Ukraine of judgments in respect of Article 6 of the European Court on Human Rights”, which is funded by the Human Rights Trust Fund.

This web page is available at the official website of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and provides detailed information on execution by Ukraine of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the cases of “Zhovner v. Ukraine”, "Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov v. Ukraine", "Burmych and Others v. Ukraine". It is planned that the web page will be filled periodically with the information on the status of execution of the necessary measures by public authorities.  Thus, the web page will provide free access to this information to all interested parties.

Besides, this web page delivers information on the chronology of examination of the mentioned cases by the European Court of Human Rights, supervision over the execution of these cases by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, and the actions taken by Ukraine to eliminate the issue of non-execution, including the cooperation with the Council of Europe.

Worth noting is that the information on the status of implementation of the "National Strategy for addressing the problem of non-execution of judgments, when debtors are a state body or state enterprise, institution, organisation, for the period up to 2022" as well as the Action Plan for its realization will be published at the mentioned web page.

Currently, this information resource is operating in a test mode and is being finalized.

You can find and review the web page “Execution by Ukraine of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the cases of “Zhovner v. Ukraine”, "Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov v. Ukraine", "Burmych and Others v. Ukraine" via the link .

Kyiv, Ukraine 9 June 2021
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