Republic of Moldova, 2023

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Republic of Moldova, Mr Fred Duijn.

Republic of Moldova, 2023

Police protect vulnerable groups from hatred and hate-motivated violence and coordinate among themselves

Armenia, 2021

The role of the Human Rights Defender in combatting hate speech.

Georgia, 2021


Results of hate speech, hate crime and discrimination in Georgia survey.

Hate breeds hatred - Armenia 2021


"Speak peace! Hate speech is not an option" 2021


Diversity through the eyes of a child, Azerbaijan 2021
"Hate speech" - English, Romanian, Russian 2021
Ambassadors - Block the hatred, April 2021
pride albania 2021
Eastern Partnership, July 2020

Participant testimonials: learning to combat discrimination in the Eastern Partnership


Ukraine, February 2020

Strengthening minority rights

Combatting hate speech and prejudice targeting national minorities

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2019


"When we are fewer"

Freedom of speech has no relation to hate speech, Armenia 2021


Listen to minority languages in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021
video on the Article 14 Albania 2021


Block the hatred campaign for Western Balkans, April 2021
pride albania 2020
Georgia, December 2019

Why equality matters

Listen to Nargiz's personal journey as a school teacher - how she learnt to welcome Roma and other minority children into her school and the challenges she faced, and the lessons she learnt from them.

Georgia, 2019

Why I choose equality?

Watch the campaign film about how equality makes a difference in Georgia

Albania, 2019

The meeting

A film to increase public awareness about discrimination suffered by LGBTI people in Albania. Part of the EU/CoE action to reduce discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in Albania.