The Council of Europe continues to support its member states to implement European human rights standards at national level through revision of legislation, capacity development and exchange of best practices.

To contribute to this process, the Council of Europe is implementing a project on ''Protecting national minorities, including Roma, and minority languages in Ukraine''. The project started in March 2018 and it is part of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine 2018-2021.

How will it work?
Expected results
  • Strengthening the protection of national minorities and minority languages in Ukraine by reinforcing relevant policies, improving consultations with national minorities, strengthening the capacities and competences of public authorities dealing with the protection of national minorities and raising public awareness.
  • Facilitating the receipt of identity documents by Roma without IDs, including internally displaced Roma.
  • Institutionalising and reinforcing the recognition of the profession of Roma health mediator in Ukraine; improving access of Roma communities to public health care and social services.
inclusion and anti-discrimination logo
  • National authorities involved in the protection of national minorities, including Roma, and minority languages – Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Education and Science, Office of the Ombudsperson, Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of information Policy, State Migration Service, National Police and others.
  • Regional State Administrations and district administrations of Ukraine dealing with protection of national minorities.
  • Civil society organisations, including national minorities’ organisations.