The main objective of the action aims at supporting the main public actors and local stakeholders in ensuring efficient, accessible, and professional provision of Free Legal Aid services in North Macedonia, in line with European standards and best practices.

Main partners and beneficiaries: Ministry of Justice of North Macedonia and its Regional Offices; Bar Association of North Macedonia and the lawyers; Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) authorized for FLA; Legal Clinics authorised for FLA; the institutions that are indirectly involved in the FLA system: Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Centres for Social Work, Ministry of Interior, Ombudsperson, Municipalities, Courts, CSO-s and other Networks (not registered for FLA) but providing assistance to vulnerable groups; the general population, especially vulnerable groups

  • Professional and independent functioning of the state system for Free Legal Aid, including a strengthened Central Unit for FLA;
  • A more efficient and accessible system of free legal aid in criminal proceedings in line with the European standards;
  • Improved legal aid services for the people of North Macedonia and strengthened capacities of the legal aid providers;
  • Communities and the society at large in North Macedonia are aware and informed about the provision of FLA in civil, administrative, and criminal proceedings.

Project Information

  • Duration: 48 months (1 January 2023 – 31 December 2026)
  • Country: North Macedonia
  • Budget: 900 000 EUR
  • Funding: European Union/Council of Europe Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Türkiye

Project Documentation

  Project Summary