Deputy Minister of the Interior, responsible for local government and electoral issues
Born in Athens, in 1977. Graduated from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, holds a Master's Degree in Management and Quality Technology and a PhD candidate from the Harokopio University. He has worked for over a decade in IT and market research companies in the private sector, as a computer programmer, database administrator and data research analyst.
In 2010, he was a Special Adviser to the Ministry of Interior, Decentralization and E-Government, where he worked on the preparation for the implementation of the new institutional framework for local government (the Kallikratis program) and the new law on electoral expenditure for the local elections.
From January 2011 to August 2014 he has served as the Secretary General of the Municipality of Athens and until January 2015 as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and E-Government.
From the election of Kyriakos Mitsotakis as the President of New Democracy to July 2019, he has been the Party's Director of Information Technology and head of the digital campaign of the May 2019 European elections as well as the July 2019 national elections.