She has experience in various areas of the public administration at the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, where she has been working since 1991 and held various positions. She dealt with the construction of new local government bodies after the political and social changes in 1989, especially the issues of their funding.

She represented the Slovak Republic in the Committee on Local and Regional Democracy of the Council of Europe until 2006.

Since 2009, she was a part of working group on the evaluation of the Slovak legislation on transparency of political party funding with the Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO) of the Council of Europe. She participated in a change of national legislation based on the recommendations of this working group, resulting in a significant amendment of the Political Parties Act, a completely new electoral campaign law, and a new code of law on the Conditions of the Right to Vote, which for the first time established a permanent State Commission for the Elections and Control of Political Parties Funding as an independent authority for elections and control of political party funding.

Until 2014, she held the position of the Secretary of the Central Election Commission.

She currently holds the position of the Director of the Department of Elections, Referendum and Political Parties of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, as well as the Secretary of the State Commission for the Elections and Control of Political Parties Funding.