Dr. Attila Nagy

President of the National Election Office of Hungary







Higher education and qualifications

2006: Diploma in Public Administration

2004-2006: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Deák Ferenc Training Institute-European Law Specialist (English language; LL.M.)

1999-2004: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences - Lawyer

Previous and current subjects taught at the ÁJK

Administrative Law IV.

Administrative Law V.

Administrative Law II.

Administrative Law V. Fundamentals I.

Introduction to Political Science and Law

Jobs, career history

2021-: National Election Office, President

2013-: PPKE JÁK, Public Administration Department, lecturer

2015-: NKE, Institute of Leadership and Further Education

2019-2020: Ministry of Justice, Deputy State Secretary

2018-2019: Rév8 Ltd., CEO

2011-2018: Constitutional Court, Senior Adviser

2010-2011: Ministry of Public Administration and Justice - Head of Department

2004-2010: Mayor's Office of Pesterzsébet Municipality of Budapest XX. district - Deputy Head of Department, Head of Unit, EU Officer

2017-: Member of the National Committee of Public Administration Examinations

2018-: Member of the Bar Exam Committee

Language skills:

English (Intermediate)

German (Advanced)

Latin (Intermediate)

Published academic in the field of local government systems, the Constitutional Court

proceedings of local governments, enforcement of the Fundamental Law in judicial practice.