The aim of the Council of Europe’s Education programme is to support member States in developing their policies, legislation and practice in view of promoting quality, inclusive and corruption-free education systems.

The COVID-19 crisis has made achieving this objective more challenging, but also more important.

Education is one of the sectors affected the most by this crisis. Education authorities in the 50 States Party to the European Cultural Convention are facing the challenge of ensuring the continuity of education, including assessment and exams, and minimising the impact on students and staff.

It is crucial that these responses be guided by the fundamental principles of the European Cultural Convention and by the Council of Europe acquis, such as the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.

While the responses devised by education authorities are specific to their national education systems, it is through inter-governmental dialogue, debate, sharing of good practices and lessons learned that the most effective actions can be identified.

The CDPPE remains an important forum for inter-governmental dialogue on education policies and practices also during this crisis.

As Chair of the CDPPE, I hope that this web page dedicated to the education response to the COVID-19 crisis will stimulate this dialogue and sharing of practices. I encourage all States party to the European Cultural Convention to participate in its development by contributing their ideas and good practices.