Joint stocktaking exercise confirms EDU-RES as a successful and innovative tool

18 September 2024 Verona, Italy

The Council of Europe’s approach to Education in times of emergencies and crisis aims at strengthening and streamlining the role of education for community resilience and robustness through the six principles for building resilient educational ecosystems and the toolkit, taking into consideration...

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Save the dates: 13-14 November 2024 and register

Conference on "Academic Freedom in Action"

17 September 2024 Strasbourg, France

The conference "Academic Freedom in Action”, scheduled to take place on 13-14 November 2024 in Strasbourg, will highlight the democratic mission of higher education and the importance of protecting and promoting academic freedom, ensuring that higher education remains a cornerstone of democracy...

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New Publication - RFCDC Guidance document for Vocational Education and Training

16 September 2024 Strasbourg

The Education Department of the Council of Europe announces the publication of a new guidance document for the implementation of the Council of Europe Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) in Vocational Education and Training (VET). The RFCDC sets out 20 competences...

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Greece deposits instrument of accession to the Lisbon Recognition Convention

13 September 2024 Strasbourg

The Education Department is pleased to announce that Greece has officially deposited its instrument of accession to the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC) to the Council of Europe, marking a significant step forward in international cooperation on the recognition of higher education...

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30 years of the ENIC Network: A journey of cooperation and progress in recognition of qualifications - by Chiara Finocchietti, ENIC president

10 Septembre 2024 Rome, Italy

The ENIC network celebrates its 30th anniversary this year! It has come a long way and has grown stronger. Can you share some of the network’s most notable achievements over the past few years? We can share 3 ‘success stories’ of the ENIC network. The first is the story of cooperation: started in...

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New initiative to be piloted in selected schools in Albania

3 September 2024 Albania

In order to meet the changing needs of its partners and beneficiaries, the Council of Europe project Strengthening Democratic Citizenship Education in Albania* is constantly exchanging with stakeholders and fine-tuning its action. The project team met Geart Ferhati, Vice President of the Student...

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European Language Gazette: special issue

European Day of Languages, 26 September 2024 – “Languages for peace”

2 September 2024 Graz

Celebrated each year on 26 September, the European Day of Languages (EDL) is a means of promoting awareness among the general public of the importance of language learning and protecting the linguistic heritage. With less than 6 weeks to go until EDL, we are excited to inform you about the...

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Together for Peace – Council of Europe helps prepare first lesson of new school year in Moldova

2 September 2024 Republic of Moldova

“Together for Peace” was the title of the first lesson of the 2024 – 2025 school year in the Republic of Moldova delivered in all primary, secondary and high schools of Moldova and prepared with the support of the Council of Europe. Placed in the context of Moldova’s European integration and...

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Commemorating the Roma Holocaust: Council of Europe’s commitment to remembrance and history education

2nd August 2024

The Council of Europe marks the 80th anniversary of the European Roma Holocaust Memorial Day, commemorating the tragic events of 2 August 1944, when the last Roma and Sinti in the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp were murdered. This commemoration is a poignant reminder of the atrocities...

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Course on Disinformation

New series of online courses on digital citizenship education

19 July 2024 Online

Educators across Europe can benefit from a new online training programme to improve their skills in building resilience to disinformation among young people. “Disinformation” is part of a series of online courses on digital citizenship education developed in close co-operation with the European...

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