The authors - Michal Karpíšek and Dovilé Sandaraité, EURASHE

Picture of authors Divilé Sandaraité and Michal KarpíšekMichal Karpíšek is the Secretary-General of the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) since June 2016. Within this role he has been engaged in policy and representation activities at EU level focused on higher education learning, teaching, research, engagement with stakeholders and its service for society, he supervised various projects on specific related issues. In the past years, Michal Karpíšek was involved in the reforms of Czech tertiary education. He served twice as an advisor to Czech ministers of education (2001-2003, 2010-2011) or their deputies for higher education with a particular attention to issues of diversification and quality of tertiary education.

Dovilé Sandaraité is a Communications and European Affairs Manager at EURASHE. Within the Secretariat, she is in charge of Teaching and Learning policy agenda and implementing the communications strategy of the Organisation.

Article - Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the prettiest of them all? We are sure you all have heard this story. After long queries the mirror finally reveals an unfortunate answer for the Queen, leaving her with a hatred and frustration. How this story reminds the existing pandemic which pointed out vulnerabilities of the current education models and practices which pre-existed but never been spoken out? To find out this, and to learn how professional higher education institutions responded to the crisis, EURASHE launched a campaign PHE response to COVID-19 which gave us a better insight of the sector in Europe.

Mirror mirror on the wall…after we will take our masks off, will you allow us to see a real reflection of the professional higher education sector - with its strengths and weaknesses? We do hope. We also hope that the institutions will embrace their strengths but also acknowledge weaknesses and accept them as a stimulus to improve while taking the opportunities brought by the pandemic. And umbrella organisations like EURASHE will be there to support them with its knowledge, expertise and strong experience in building a cooperation activities.