Back Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni chairs oratory contests jury at young speakers college

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General with Gabriel Eckert, Director of the Political Sciences Institute and the students

Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General with Gabriel Eckert, Director of the Political Sciences Institute and the students

The Deputy Secretary General chaired the jury at the start-of-term oratory contests organised by the Ecole des Jeunes Orateurs de Sciences Po (Young speakers college of Strasbourg Political Sciences Institute): 8 participants competed to be crowned Top speaker and Best speaking prospect.

Addressing some 300 students of the Political Sciences Institute in Strasbourg, Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni emphasised the educational value of the activities run by the Ecole des Jeunes Orateurs, which prepared the managers of the future to exchange opinions and state views on political, societal, cultural and other issues of controversy.

This ability to debate issues openly and constructively is necessary in multicultural societies and indispensable for the proper exercise of democracy.  It is a principle that unconditionally guides policies at the Council of Europe, which is confronted with a pluralism of ideologies as it strives to uphold the equality, dignity and respect of all citizens.

"For the Council of Europe, which works closely with the governmental bodies and civil society of its 47 member States, debate is of paramount importance in reinforcing human rights and democracy on the continent and beyond", stressed the Deputy Secretary General.

She reiterated her support for the students' academic activities and accepted their invitation to become the patron of the Ecole des Jeunes Orateurs.

Deputy Secretary General Strasbourg 3 October 2017
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