Specific projects in Serbia

Human Resources Management in Local Self-Government – Phase 2

The professionality, motivation and competence of public officials in local administration can have a significant impact on the degree of good governance in a specific city or region, and as a result on the effective provision of services to citizens. Objective criteria for recruitment and promotions, the clear definition of tasks and responsibilities, and the provision of training contribute to enhancing the competence, efficiency and effectiveness of public administration.

To help Serbian local institutions strengthen their capacity to deliver good governance, the European Union and the Council of Europe are co-financing the project “Human Resources Management in Local Self-Government – Phase 2”, implemented by the Council of Europe and running from December 2019 to December 2021. The €4 million project was developed based on the achievements and challenges of the first phase, which was implemented from 2016 to 2017, and to respond to the needs arising from the implementation of Serbia’s Public Administration Reform Strategy.

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