Strasbourg, 18 October 2018


Draft agenda

6-7 November 2018

Council of Europe, Agora, Strasbourg, Room G06

Opening of the meeting: Tuesday, 6 November 2018 at 9.30 am

Close of the meeting: Wednesday, 7 November 2018 at 1.00 pm

1. Opening of the meeting by the Chair


2. Adoption of the agenda



3. General questions

Report from the CDCPP Chair on the Council of Europe’s first meeting of the Chairs of the inter-governmental committees (Strasbourg, 20 September)

Exchange on CDCPP activities and working methods


4. Fields of activities of the CDCPP

State of implementation of the 2018-19 work programme and draft calendar of meetings for 2018-19

4.1 Culture
  • Work programme 2018 – progress made:
    Recommendation on Culture’s contribution to strengthening the internet as an emancipatory force; Expert seminar on Culture, Creativity and Artificial Intelligence (E-relevance of Culture in the Age of AI), Rijeka, Croatia, 12-13 October; 1st Assembly of the Association of the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends, Rijeka, 9-11 October; Cultural Policy Review of Georgia
4.2 Heritage
  • Work programme 2018 – progress made:
    Strategy 21; Faro Convention Action Plan; Joint Programme on promoting the Faro Convention; HEREIN, CoE Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property; European Heritage Days; 2018 European Cultural Heritage Year
4.3 Landscape
  • Work programme 2018 – progress made:
    Reference texts of the Committee of Ministers; Parties to the Convention; National landscape policies: Information System; Council of Europe Conference on the implementation of the Convention; Meetings of the Workshops for the implementation of the Convention; International Landscape Day; Sessions of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe; Landscape Award Alliance of the Council of Europe; Landscape Observatory: Information Platform


5. Information concerning other Council of Europe activities in the fields of culture, heritage and landscape


6. Discussion

Follow-up to the meeting of the Chairs of the inter-governmental committees and outlook on possible future CDCPP activities by the Director of Democratic Participation


7. Any other business


8. Dates of the next meetings


9. Close of the meeting

Illustration about the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
  • Daniil KHOCHABO
  • Gillian FRENCH

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