Back Information campaign to protect judges and public prosecutors in Serbia against undue influence

Information campaign to protect judges and public prosecutors in Serbia against undue influence

The High Judicial Council (HJC) and the State Prosecutorial Council (SPC) have implemented a campaign targeting judges and public prosecutors to inform them of their rights prescribed in the recently amended Rules of Procedures of these two bodies, which now foresee stronger protection against undue influence.

Two brochures were designed, which contain the guide for holders of judicial office on how they can seek protection from the two Councils. The brochures spell out details on how claims against undue influence can be submitted and information on what mechanisms are at disposal to the HJC and the SPC in case they determine that the influence was exercised.

The campaign was implemented in September and the first half of October. It entailed distribution of the printed versions of the brochures to all judges and public prosecutors in the country. This activity was complemented by organisation of a series of small meetings in which the brochures were presented to interested audiences. Follow up meetings are planned to continue, as it was assessed that further dissemination efforts are necessary.

The amendments to the HJC and the SPC Rules of Procedures and the information campaign aim to support the realisation of activities defined in the Action Plan for Chapter 23.

This activity was supported by the action “Strengthening independence and accountability of the judiciary”, that is a part of the “Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022”, joint European Union and the Council of Europe programme, which aims at assisting beneficiaries in the Western Balkans region and Turkey to comply with the Council of Europe standards and European Union acquis in the framework of the enlargement process, where relevant.

 Guidelines on preventing undue influence on judges

 Guidelines on preventing undue influence on public prosecutors

Belgrade 15 October 2021
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