Educational measures to prevent risks associated with child self-generated sexual images/videos

The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) undoubtedly brings new opportunities for education, leisure and the development of interpersonal skills to children. While this is welcomed, it is necessary to understand that in this environment harmful behaviours are also on the rise, contributing to increased cases of online sexual exploitation and abuse of children. This can occur in the context of children sharing self-generated sexual images/videos with their peers. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that such content does not fall into the wrong hands and is not exploited by sexual offenders.

This webinar is organised in the framework of the European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (18 November), which supports and promotes the organisation of international, regional, national and local activities raising awareness and opening discussions on the broad topic of sexual violence against children. This year's edition focuses on "Preventing risky behaviour by children: child self-generated sexual images and/or videos". The webinar will be held under the Council of Europe EndOCSEA@Europe project, tailored to support member states to prevent and combat Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA).

This webinar will bring together high-level speakers and experts on the challenges raised by child self-generated sexual images and/or videos of children, with a key focus on the need for a comprehensive sexuality education.

Moderated by Ms Elda Moreno, Head of the Children's Rights and Sport Values Department, Council of Europe, the panellists include:

  • Ms Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights
  • Ms Christel De Craim, Chairperson of the Lanzarote Committee
  • Ms Regina Jensdottir, Coordinator on the Rights of the Child, Head of the Children's Rights Division, Council of Europe
  • Ms Amy Crocker, Council of Europe independent consultant
  • Ms Maria Rosaria Centrone, Council of Europe independent consultant