Speeches - Artificial intelligence


Artificial Intelligence – Intelligent Politics. Challenges and opportunities for media and democracy

10/06/2021 Strasbourg

On-line keynote speech at the Council of Europe Conference, of Ministers responsible for Media and Information Society. Dear Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to be with you today, even if only remotely. We would all have preferred to meet in person in Cyprus as originally...

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Human Rights in the Era of AI Europe as international Standard Setter for Artificial Intelligence

20/01/2021 Strasbourg

Dear Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ensuring that technological development works for and not against human rights, democracy and the rule of law is one of the biggest tasks that states face. Early on in my mandate I warned about the human rights implications of new technology, including AI...

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Governing the digital world to protect democracy and security

08/11/2019 Vienna

Thirty years ago, tomorrow, crowds of East Germans crossed the border peacefully and climbed on the Berlin Wall together with West Germans. That symbolic moment, which catalysed months of civil unrest in Eastern Europe, told the world that a new era had just started. Over the past thirty years,...

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Justice in Europe facing the challenges of digital technology

15/10/2019 Strasbourg

"Humans and machines are living in an ever-closer relationship. One that provides great opportunities but also threats. Indeed, technology is never neutral. It is very personal because it carries ethical, political and legal implications. No doubt criminal justice systems can benefit greatly from...

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Speech by Commissioner Dunja Mijatović, at the world’s leading summit on human rights in the digital age, RightsCon 2019, Tunis, 11 June 2019

11 June 2019 Tunis

Last week, Muslims around the world celebrated the end of Ramadan. Celebrations were held in many countries, including here. There was however a notable exception: China. There the authorities banned such celebrations. This is not surprising. A recent article of the New York Times from the city...

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We need to act now and put human rights at the centre of artificial intelligence designs

26/02/2019 Helsinki

"Dear Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, The impact of artificial intelligence’s on human rights, democracy and the rule of law is one of the most crucial factors that will define the period in which we live – and probably the whole century. How artificial intelligence is designed and...

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