Voltar Hungarian Foreign Minister presents the work of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers

Hungarian Foreign Minister presents the work of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers

The situation in Afghanistan, access to Covid vaccines, national minority rights, the persecution of Christian communities worldwide, and promoting family values online were among topics raised by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó, presenting the Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Assembly today during the Autumn plenary session.

The Minister also confirmed that the President of Hungary would be among the VIP guests taking part in today’s high-level panel and series of debates on the right to a healthy environment.
The Minister reviewed the activities of the Hungarian Presidency so far, and outlined activities still to come during Hungary’s six months chairing the Council of Europe’s ministerial body.

Mr Szijjártó also answered a series of questions from PACE members.

 Video of the speech

Parliamentary Assembly session Strasbourg 29 September 2021
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