Lithuania launches European Heritage Days 2024: “the Baltic Way was our road to freedom”

Council of Europe 23 september 2024 Strasbourg

This year’s European Heritage Days festivities have been launched with programmes in more than 40 countries, exploring this year’s theme of “Heritage of Routes, Networks, and Connections.” Lithuania is currently holding the Presidency of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, and has...

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Switzerland funds initiative aimed at abolishing the death penalty in Europe and beyond


The Government of Switzerland has made a voluntary contribution of €100,000 to support the abolition of the death penalty in Europe and beyond. The agreement was signed on 17 September 2024 by Ambassador Claude Wild, Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the Council of Europe, and Mr Bjørn...

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“I did not realise that human brutality could have such expressions”

Deputy Secretary General 16 September 2024 Struthof

In just over four years, 52,000 human beings – Jews, Roma and Sinti, LGBTI people, political opponents and others – were imprisoned at Natzweiler-Struthof. 22,000 people lost their lives there. The utter cruelty – the blatant evil – came as a huge shock to many of the prisoners and was very hard...

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Local and regional authorities play a crucial role in building resilient democratic societies

secrétaire général adjoint 12 September 2024 Strasbourg

The role of local and regional authorities in effectively responding to the challenges facing European democracies, in supporting Ukraine, protecting human rights, saving the environment, and enabling young people’s involvement is in focus of the conference of associations of local and regional...

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Local and regional authorities play a crucial role in building resilient democratic societies: conference hosted by Council of Europe Congress

Deputy Secretary General 12 September 2024 Strasbourg

The role of local and regional authorities in effectively responding to the challenges facing European democracies, in supporting Ukraine, protecting human rights, saving the environment, and enabling young people’s involvement is the focus of a conference of associations of local and regional...

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Japan funds Council of Europe action against cybercrime


The Government of Japan has made a voluntary contribution of €20,000 to support the Council of Europe action against cybercrime. The agreement was signed on 10 September 2024 by Ambassador Hiroyuki Uchida, Permanent Observer of Japan to the Council of Europe, and Mr Bjørn Berge, Deputy Secretary...

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Belgium ratifies the Saint-Denis Convention

9 September 2024 Strasbourg

Delphine DELIEUX, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Belgium to the Council of Europe, has deposited, this 9 September 2024, before the Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Bjørn BERGE, the instrument of ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated...

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CoEMoN 2024 student: “We need to defend democracy every day, everywhere, because in a blink, we can lose it”

26 to 28 August 2024 Strasbourg

Some 250 students from 29 member states gathered in Strasbourg from 26 to 28 August 2024 for the 2nd edition of the Council of Europe Model of Negotiation (CoEMoN) organised by the Federation for Diplomacy and the United Nations (FDNU) with the support of the Permanent Representation of France....

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Montenegro tree planting symbolises cultivation of Council of Europe standards and values

24 July 2024 Strasbourg

Participating in the Telling the CoE's story project, Montenegro has organised a tree planting ceremony as a symbol of cooperation and partnership between Montenegro and the Council of Europe. The event, aiming at raising public awareness about the Council of Europe´s positive impact on people’s...

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Council of Europe at 75: Serbia takes stock on the positive impact of its membership

18 July 2024

On 25 June 2024, representatives of the government, diplomatic corps, media, civil sector, partners and other stakeholders gathered in Belgrade to celebrate 75 years of the Council of Europe as the guardian of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Organised by the Council of Europe office...

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