latest reports

17 september 2024
GREVIO report on Albania

12 september 2024
GREVIO report on Monaco

10 september 2024
GREVIO report on Austria

1 August 2024
GRECO report on Iceland

Treaty office

24 September 2024

Paraguay signed the Second Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on enhanced co-operation and disclosure of electronic evidence (CETS No. 224).

13 September 2024

Greece acceded to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (ETS No. 165).

The Republic of Moldova signed the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals (ETS No. 125).

11 September 2024

Chad signed the Council of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health (CETS No. 211).

9 September 2024

Belgium ratified the Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events (CETS No. 218).