2017 Prize
The laureates are the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Vice President and Finnish Red Cross Secretary-General
2017 North-South Prize

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe is proud to announce that Ms Kristiina Kumpula, Secretary-General of the Finnish Red Cross, and Dr Abbas Gullet, Vice President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Secretary-General of Kenya Red Cross Society,  are the two laureates of the 2017 North-South Prize of the Council of Europe. With this award, the jury of the North-South Prize honours two personalities who have dedicated their lives to promote humanitarian work  and foster human solidarity.

Ms Kumpula has contributed to the North-South dialogue by the promotion of health and social rights both in her home country, Finland, and in East Africa. Ms Kumpula has been actively working with the international components of the Red Cross Movement and is currently serving as Chair of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Constitutional Review Advisory Group.

Dr Abbas Gulet played an instrumental role in building the Kenyan Red Cross Society into a leading society both in the African continent and within the Movement, increasing its capacity to respond to humanitarian crises in Kenya and beyond. Dr Gullet currently serves as Vice-President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

North-South Centre Strasbourg 23 November 2017
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2016 Prize
Giuseppina Nicolini and Mbarka Brahmi (© 2013 Reuters/Anis Mili www.reuters.com)

Giuseppina Nicolini and Mbarka Brahmi (© 2013 Reuters/Anis Mili www.reuters.com)

Giuseppina Nicolini and Mbarka Brahmi are the two laureates of the XXII North-South Prize of the Council of Europe in recognition of their work towards the promotion of human rights, pluralistic democracy and north-south solidarity.

Giuseppina Nicolini will be awarded for her commitment in the reception of migrants and to the defence of refugees’ rights in Lampedusa, Italy’s southernmost island and one of the main entry points in Europe for migrants. The North-South Centre decided to honour her firm and decisive involvement in the migrant crisis.

Mbarka Brahmi’s role is widely recognised in the defence of women’s rights and the promotion of peace, which are considered especially crucial in the Tunisian democratization process. Mbarka Brahmi is founder of the ‘Centre Brahmi pour la paix et la solidarité’ and President of the ‘Courant Populaire’ party.

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe distinguishes each year two personalities, one from the ‘North’, the other from the ‘South’, who have excelled in their commitment to human rights, democracy and rule of law, contributing to the north-south dialogue, fostering solidarity, promoting interdependence and creating partnerships.

The award ceremony is taking place in the Senate Room of the Portuguese Parliament, on 31 May at 12h00, with the presence of the President of the Portuguese Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the President of the Portuguese Parliament, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues and the Deputy Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni.

The North-South Centre empowers civil society through intercultural dialogue & global citizenship education, since its establishment in 1989. Through its multilateral activities, the North-South Centre responds mainly to four priority areas: youth, women, migration and global education.

20 Member States: Andorra, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Holy See, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Spain,Tunisia.

  Live webcast (13.00 Central European Time) 

North-South Centre Strasbourg 31 May 2017
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2015 Prize
Lora Pappa and Joaquim Alberto Chissano

Lora Pappa and Joaquim Alberto Chissano

The founder of the Greek non-governmental organisation METAdrasi (Action for Migration & Development), Lora Pappa and former President of Mozambique Joaquim Alberto Chissano are the two laureates of the Council of Europe North-South Prize 2015, a distinction awarded annually to two personalities, who stood out internationally for their role in defending human rights and democracy and for promoting dialogue, global interdependence and solidarity.

The award ceremony will take place in the Senate room of the Portuguese Parliament on 30 June (11.00 a.m.), with the presence of the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, the Parliament’s President, Eduardo Ferro Rodrigues, the Chairperson of the Portuguese delegation to PACE, Ana Catarina Mendes and the Chair of the North-South Centre Executive Committee, Jean-Marie Heydt.

In the framework of the visit to Portugal, the Deputy Secretary General will have meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augusto Santos Silva; the Minister of Culture, Luis Castro Mendes; the Secretary of State of European Affairs, Margarida Marques and the Mayor of Lisbon, Fernando Medina. (more...)

Council of Europe Strasbourg 29 June 2016
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2014 Prize
Award ceremony of Council of Europe North-South Prize at Assembly of Portuguese Republic
Award of the North-South Prize

Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland is visiting Lisbon on 1 July 2015 for meetings with Portuguese President Professor Aníbal Cavaco Silva and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Rui Machete.

His speech at the award ceremony of the Council of Europe’s North-South Prize at the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic – the Palácio de São Bento – honours this year’s recipients Dr Maura Lynch and Andre Azoulay.

See also:
Portugal and the Council of Europe

Secretary General Lisbon 1 July 2015
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2013 Prize

His Highness the Aga Khan, Founder and Chairman of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), and Suzanne Jabbour, Lebanese doctor, chair of the Executive Committee of the International Council for the rehabilitation of victims of torture, are receiving today the 2013 North-South Centre Prize.

The Prize is being presented to them by the President of Portugal, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, during an official ceremony at the Portuguese Parliament in the Senate RoomSecretary General Thorbjørn Jagland is speaking at the event, together with the President of the Portuguese Parliament Maria da Assunção Esteves, the Chair of the Executive Committee of the North-South Centre Jean-Marie Heydt and the President of the Portuguese delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly João Bosco Mota Amaral.

The North-South Prize is awarded annually by the North-South Centre of the Council of Europe to two personalities: one from the northern hemisphere and the one from the southern hemisphere. Through their action and example, they contribute to the promotion of solidarity and global interdependence, namely in the defense of democratic values and protection of human rights.

His Highness the Aga Khan is globally recognized for his commitment, through the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), to the development and improvement of the living conditions of vulnerable populations. The AKDN is a network of private, international and non-denominational agencies with individual mandates that carry out their actions in fields such as health, education, architecture, rural development and the promotion of entrepreneurship in the private sector. (more...)

More information
Speech by Thorbjørn Jagland

Council of Europe Lisbon 12/06/2014
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2012 Prize

Two women's rights activists win Council of Europe's "North-South Prize"

Monika Hauser, founder of medica mondiale – an NGO which assists women and girls in war and crisis zones throughout the world – and Asma Jilani Jahangir, Pakistani lawyer and human rights activist, have been awarded the "North-South Prize" from the Council of Europe for 2012.

The Council of Europe has awarded this prize every year since 1995 to two candidates who have stood out for their exceptional commitment to promoting human rights, intercultural exchange and North-South solidarity.

Portuguese President Aníbal Cavaco Silva presented the awards in the Senate Room of the Portuguese Parliamentary Assembly in Lisbon.

Paying tribute to the "courage and exemplary endeavours of two distinguished laureates", Ms Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, stressed that both prize winners "risked their lives to improve the condition of women, irrespective of ethnic or religious origin." She called upon states around the world to sign and ratify the Council of Europe's Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. "Stopping violence against women is an urgent requirement of human rights protection".  (more...)

2011 Prize

North-South Prize 2011 awarded to Boris Tadić and Souhayr Belhassen

Boris Tadić (President of the Republic of Serbia) and Souhayr Belhassen (President of the International Federation of Human Rights), are the two North-South Prize 2011 laureates. The Prize was awarded in Lisbon by the President of the Republic, Aníbal Cavaco Silva, during an official ceremony at the Senate Room of the National Portuguese Assembly, on 27 March 2012.

Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Maud De Boer-Buquicchio participated in the event, together with Parliamentary Assembly President Jean-Claude Mignon; President of the Portuguese Parliament Assunção Esteves; Chair of the Executive Committee of the North-South Centre Deborah Bergamini; and President of the Portuguese Parliamentary Delegation to PACE João Bosco Mota Amaral. (more...)

2010 Prize

2010 North-South Prize: Prize Ceremony

Former President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Louise Arbour, President of the International Crisis Group, received the North-South Prize 2010.

The award recognises their work in promoting global solidarity and interdependence through a respect for human rights, democracy and the rule of law. (more...)


2009 Prize

Mikhail Gorbachev and Rola Dashti receive the Council of Europe 2009 North-South Prize

The 2009 North-South Prize was awarded to Mikhail Gorbachev, historic figure in the winds of change that put an end to the Cold War, and Rola Dashti, a Kuwaiti Parliamentarian defending the rights of women. Two other major events marked 20 years of the North-South Centre in Lisbon: a round table on global interdependence and solidarity on 18 May, and the exhibition ''20 Bridge Builders in the History of Humanity'' on 18 - 31 May. (more...)

2008 Prize

Queen of Jordan Rania and Jorge Sampaio receive the 2008 North-South Prize

The official award ceremony of the 2008 North-South Prize took place on 16 March 2009 in Lisbon. Rania Al-Abdullah, Queen of Jordan, and Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, High Representative of the United Nations for the Alliance of Civilisations, are the winners of the 2008 Prize. ''Our aim is to strengthen the dialogue between different parts of the world based on respect for human rights and democracy and to counter the rise in intolerance, extremism and violence around the world,'' stated Maud de Boer-Buquicchio in her speech at the Senate Room of the Portuguese Parliament. Lluís Maria de Puig said at the ceremony that the two winners ''symbolise a meeting of civilisations,'' which had marked the Iberian Peninsula in the past. (more...)

2007 Prize

Council of Europe 2007 North-South Prize goes to Kofi Annan and Simone Veil 

 Kofi Annan, the former UN Secretary General and Simone Veil, the first President of the directly elected European Parliament, have received the 13th Council of Europe North-South Prize during a solemn ceremony held in Lisbon on 1 April. (more...)