2019 edition
Joint statement by Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland, President of the Parliamentary Assembly Liliane Maury Pasquier and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers Timo Soini
70th Anniversary of the Council of Europe

70 years after its foundation, the Council of Europe is our continent’s leading human rights organisation.  47 member States have come together to agree common standards on human rights, democracy and the rule of law. All 830 million people living in this common legal space have an ultimate right of appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.  This is unprecedented in European history, and an achievement that we should celebrate.

The European Convention on Human Rights and the European Social Charter are the living roots from which our Organisation grows. Over the years the Council of Europe has drawn on these rights, applying them to specific issues and providing additional protection for individuals.  This has involved the provision of new legal instruments, based on commonly agreed standards.  In this way we have acted to protect national minorities and regional and minority languages and to combat the sexual exploitation and abuse of children and violence against women and domestic violence.  We have taken measures to prevent torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, to tackle trafficking in human beings and human organs and to stop the abuse of personal data and acts of cybercrime.  We have also been active in ensuring the safety and integrity of sports, the accessibility of European culture, and education that promotes equality, inclusion and democratic citizenship.

In the modern world, challenges keep coming. Today, these include the management of the Artificial Intelligence revolution, the scourge of modern slavery, and growing inequality in many of our societies.  In the years ahead, as yet unimagined problems will emerge too.  A strong Council of Europe, with its Committee of Ministers and Parliamentary Assembly, will draw on the capacity of our Convention system – and the will of our member States – to provide the multilateral solutions from which citizens across the continent will benefit.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 3 May 2019
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2018 Edition
Statement by Anders Samuelsen, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark on Europe Day
Anders Samuelsen

Anders Samuelsen

“Today we celebrate Europe Day.

Being the Chair of the Committee Ministers on Europe Day in 2018 affords me two opportunities: first, to congratulate and express my support for all those who work every day to champion and take forward fundamental rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe and, second, to call for vigilance in ensuring that there is no backtracking on these principles, and thus guarantee Europe’s peace and prosperity in keeping with the goal we set ourselves in 1949.

On 5 May 1949, the Council of Europe was founded to bring peace and prosperity to Europe after two world wars had cast their deadly shadow across the continent.

To achieve this, the 47 member States of the Council of Europe have undertaken both to respect individual freedoms and fundamental rights and to be guided on the principles of democracy and the rule of law.

Much progress has been made since 1949 and the Council of Europe has demonstrated its potential to develop new legal standards and respond to new challenges to protect and promote these principles.

But much remains to be done. New conflicts have arisen in Europe and others endure. There are also too many people who still live in poverty or suffer from injustice, discrimination or infringements of their dignity or their civil and political rights.”

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 5 May 2018
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2017 edition
Ioannis Kasoulides

Ioannis Kasoulides

In 1964, the Committee of Ministers took the decision to celebrate the Day of Europe, that is the establishment of the Council of Europe, on May 5th.  The Council of Europe was created in the aftermath of the Second World War, in the context of a new European structure, contemplated to bring peace and prosperity on the European continent and avoid repetition of the disasters brought about by two annihilating wars since the beginning of the century.

In holding the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on this year’s Day of Europe, it provides me the opportunity to extend a message of the necessity to highlight our collective achievements these past 68 years, in strengthening democracy and the rule of law in our member States and in guaranteeing all people present on the European continent their fundamental rights and freedoms.  In dealing with the challenges currently before Europe, we need to strengthen our democratic security, by investing in more democracy, more freedom, open, tolerant and pluralistic societies, and by making full use of the tools and the mechanisms afforded by the Council of Europe. 

In full recognition of the significant work of the Organisation, I would like to pay tribute to the Secretary General, the officials and the staff of the Organisation, as well as to the member States, for their tireless efforts in advancing our common values and principles.

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 5 May 2017
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2016 Edition

Celebrate the Council of Europe Day alongside Bulgaria

Dance throughout Europe with Bulgaria: an outdoor performance of traditional Bulgarian dancing
Performances at 12 noon at Lieu d’Europe (8 rue Boecklin) and at 4 pm at the Place de la Cathédrale

A cross- cultural performance: experience Bulgarian choreography and music
Performance at 5 pm at the Cité de la musique et de la danse (Auditorium - 1 Place Dauphine)

2015 Edition

On Saturday 9 May at 11.00 a.m., a ceremony to mark Europe Day and to commemorate the end of the Second World War and liberation of Europe will be held at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Anne Brasseur, and the Chair of the Ministers’ Deputies of the Council of Europe, Ambassador Dirk van Eeckhout will deliver speeches and lay flowers in memory of those who lost their lives in the fight against Nazism.

Media representatives are invited to cover the event scheduled to start at 11.00 a.m. on Saturday 9 May on the forecourt of the Palais de l’Europe (Avenue de l’Europe) in Strasbourg.

The ceremony is open to the public.

Council of Europe Strasbourg 7 May 2015
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2014 Edition

Council of Europe Program - European Youth Event (9th - 11th May 2014)

This year, which sees the European elections, the Council of Europe participated with the European Parliament and the City of Strasbourg in the EYE 2014 (European Youth Event), which brought together 5,000 young Europeans in Strasbourg on 9, 10 and 11 May 2014.


Council of Europe booth at the Yo! Village 

 - Living Library bringing together around 25 "live" books, all people who suffer from everyday prejudices because of whom they are.

Date: 9 May 13h00-18h00 & 10 May 10h00-18h00 in the Yofest! Marquee

- Two exhibitions:

  • "Culture : Heart and Soul of Democracy"created on the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the European Cultural Convention
  • "Public Health, medicines, Europe" created on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and HealthCare.


Council of Europe participation in the core programme of the European Youth Event

- Under topic V European Values: panel to discuss ‘Human Rights on the Internet' - starting point: the « No Hate Speech Movement », a Council of Europe youth campaign led by young people for equality, dignity, human rights and diversity on the Internet.

Date: 9 or 10 May (date, time and room tbc)

- Workshops "The Youth Campaign for Human Rights Online" to be run on 9 and 10 May with the following objectives:

  • To introduce the Council of Europe's No Hate Speech Movement and discuss the realities of hate speech online and how they impact on the human rights and dignity of young people
  • To associate the participants with the campaign at the national and European levels.


In Paris:

Information stand and presentation of the exhibition entitled "Culture: Heart and Soul of Democracy, Paris - Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, 9-10 May 2014