Strasbourg, 31 March 2021

CEP-CDCPP (2021) 1E


Conference organised under the auspices of
the Presidency of Hungary of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe


Palais de l’Europe, Strasbourg – Online meeting [Room 9]

26-27 May 2021



Opening of the Conference

Opening speeches

  • Mr Bjørn BERGE, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe 
  • Mr István NAGY, Minister of Agriculture, Hungary (video)
  • Mr Harry Alex RUSZ, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Chair of the Ministers’ Deputies, Permanent Representative of Hungary to the Council of Europe
  • Mrs Suzanne BROLLY, Deputy Mayor of Strasbourg in charge of the resilient city and green spaces
  • Mrs Krisztina KINCSES, Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, National Representative of the Convention for the Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
  • Mrs Flora van REGTEREN ALTENA, Chair of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape of the Council of Europe, Senior policy advisor, Department for Arts and Heritage. Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, The Netherlands
  • Mr Gerhard ERMISCHER, Chair of the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs) to the Council of Europe

1. Adoption of the draft agenda

[Document for action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 1E – Draft agenda]

[Document for action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 1E Add. – Draft annotated agenda]

2. General Report of activities on the European Landscape Convention and status of signatures and ratifications


Session I – Introductory Session

3. Addresses from representatives of member States of the Council of Europe and other States

States Parties to the Convention: public policies for the implementation of the Convention at national, regional and local level

[Document for information: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 3Bil.]

Note: Pursuant to Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)4 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the European Landscape Convention Information System of the Council of Europe and its glossary, the Parties to the Convention are invited to update the Information System on the European Landscape Convention one month before this 11th Conference. The reports will be extracted from the Information System to be available for the Conference and presented under agenda item 9.

During the Conference, the States representatives are invited to present the important actions taken since the previous Conference (max. 3 min.).

Participants are kindly requested to send the written text of their addresses to the Secretariat of the Council of Europe for the report of the Conference.


Heads of delegation of Parties to the Convention wishing to propose a candidate for the Chairmanship of the next Conference, as well as a candidate for its Vice-Chairmanship, are kindly requested to inform the Council of Europe Secretariat before 26 May at 15.00 [please send an e-mail to this effect to Mrs Eva Nagy: [email protected]].


States not Party to the Convention

[Document for information: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 3Bil.]

The States representatives are invited to present an address (max. 3 min.).

Participants are kindly requested to send the written text of their addresses to the Secretariat of the Council of Europe for the report of the Conference.

4. Statements of international governmental and non-governmental organisations

[Document for information: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 4Bil.]

Representatives of non-governmental organisations are invited to present a statement (2 min. max.).

Participants are kindly requested to send the written text of their addresses to the Secretariat of the Council of Europe for the report of the Conference.


Session II – Landscape and sustainable development

5. Report “Landscape and responsibility of stakeholders for sustainable and harmonious development” and draft recommendation

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 5EPowerPoint Presentation]

6. Report “Urbanisation, town planning and landscape” and draft recommendation

[Document for action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 6EPowerPoint Presentation]

7. Report “Urban landscapes and climate change: the contribution of Landscape Architects to improve the quality of life”

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 7EPowerPoint Presentation]

8. Draft recommendation “Landscape and agriculture”

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 8E]


Announcement of the candidatures for the next Chair and Vice-Chair of the Conference, received by the Secretariat.


Online exhibitions

Exhibition on the Landscape Alliance Award of the Council of Europe by Mrs Maguelonne Déjeant-Pons

  • Mr Harry Alex Rusz, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Chair of the Ministers’ Deputies, Permanent Representative of Hungary to the Council of Europe

In the framework of the Presidency of Hungary of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe Photographic exhibition on Hungarian landscapes “Magical Hungary” by Mrs Krisztina Kincses



Session III – National policies for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention

9. Council of Europe Observatory on the implementation of the European Landscape Convention

[Document for information: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E]

I. Information System of the Convention

The available reports will be extracted from the Information System.

1 Andorra - Andorre [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Andorra - Andorre]

2 Armenia - Arménie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Armenia - Arménie]

3 Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan]

4 Belgium - Belgique [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Belgium - Belgique]

Regions / Régions:

Brusssels-Capital Region - Région Bruxelles Capitale [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Belgium - Belgique, Brussels-Capital Region - Région Bruxelles Capital]

Flanders - Flandres [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Belgium - Belgique, Flanders - Flandres]

Wallonia - Wallonie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Belgium - Belgique, Wallonia - Wallonie]

5 Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine]

Regions / Régions:

Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Federation de Bosnie-Herzégovine [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnie-Herzégovine, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fédération de Bosnie-Herzégovine]

Republic of Srpska - République de Srpska [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnie-Herzégovine, Republic of Srpska - République de Srpska]

6 Bulgaria - Bulgarie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Bulgaria - Bulgarie]

7 Croatia - Croatie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Croatia - Croatie]

8 Cyprus - Chypre [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Cyprus - Chypre]

9 Czech Republic - République tchèque [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Czech Republic - République tchèque]

10 Denmark - Danemark [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Denmark - Danemark]

11 Estonia - Estonie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Estonia - Estonie]

12 Finland - Finlande [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Finland - Finlande]

13 France - France [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - France - France]

Regions / Régions:

Bretagne - Brittany [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - France - France, Bretagne - Brittany]

Occitania - Occitanie [CDCPP (2021) 9E - France - France, Occitania - Occitanie]

Normandy – Normandie [CDCPP (2021) 9E - France - France, Normandy - Normandie]

14 Georgia - Géorgie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Georgia - Géorgie]

15 Greece - Grèce [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Greece - Grèce]

16 Hungary - Hongrie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Hungary - Hongrie]

17 Iceland - Islande [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Iceland - Islande]

18 Ireland - Irlande [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Ireland - Irlande]

19 Italy - Italie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Italy - Italie]

20 Latvia - Lettonie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Latvia - Lettonie]

21 Lithuania - Lituanie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Lithuania - Lituanie]

22 Luxembourg - Luxembourg [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Luxembourg - Luxembourg]

23 République de Moldova - Republic of Moldova [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - République de Moldova -Republic of Moldova]

24 Montenegro - Monténégro [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Montenegro - Monténégro]

25 Netherlands - Pays-Bas [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - The Netherlands - Pays-Bas]

26 North Macedonia - Macédoine du Nord [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - North Macedonia - Macédoine du Nord]

27 Norway - Norvège [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Norway - Norvège]

28 Poland - Pologne [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Poland - Pologne]

29 Portugal - Portugal [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Portugal - Portugal]

30 Romania - Roumanie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Romania - Roumanie]

31 San Marino - Saint Marin [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - San Marino - Saint Marin]

32 Serbia - Serbie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Serbia - Serbie]

33 Slovak Republic - République Slovaque [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Slovak Republic - République Slovaque]

34 Slovenia - Slovénie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Slovenia - Slovénie]

35 Spain - Espagne [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Spain - Espagne]

Regions / Régions:

Catalonia - Catalogne [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Spain - Espagne, Calatonia - Catalogne]

Extremadura - Estrémadure [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Spain - Espagne, Extremadura - Estrémadure]

36 Sweden - Suède [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Sweden - Suède]

37 Switzerland - Suisse [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Switzerland - Suisse]

38 Turkey - Turquie [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Turkey - Turquie]

39 Ukraine - Ukraine [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - Ukraine - Ukraine]

40 United Kingdom - Royaume-Uni [CEP-CDCPP (2021) 9E - United Kingdom - Royaume-Uni]

II. Information Platform of the Convention


Session IV – Landscape dimension of the public policies and international programmes

10. Results of the National Days “The implementation of the European Landscape Convention in France: Landscapes from here and elsewhere, diverse perspectives on some landscape approaches at different scales, on both sides of borders”, Strasbourg, France, 26-27 November 2019

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 10E]

11. Results of the 23rd Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention “Landscape integration in sectoral policies”, [Lausanne, Switzerland], 19-20 October 2020 and draft recommendation

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 11E]


Session V – Elections

Elections of the next Chair and Vice-Chair of the Conference[1]


Session VI – The Landscape Award of the Council of Europe

12. Results of the 24th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention “Council of Europe Landscape Award National Selections Forum - 6th Session 2018-2019”, [Geneva, Switzerland], 21-22 October 2020

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 12E]

13. Report on the 7th Session (2020-2021) of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 13E]

14. Implementation of the Resolution on the Landscape Award Alliance of the Council of Europe

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 14E]


Session VII – Work Programme and Action Plan for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention 2021-2023

15. Draft Work Programme and Action Plan for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention 2021-2023

[Document for information and action: CEP-CDCPP (2021) 15E]

16. Other business


Closing of the Conference

  • Mr Matjaž GRUDEN, Director of Democratic Participation, Council of Europe 
  • Mrs Krisztina KINCSES, Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, National Representative of the Convention for the Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary
  • Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Council of Europe

[1]. Appendix 2 to Resolution CM/Res(2011)24 (Article12.d.): “Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall require a two-thirds majority at the first ballot and a simple majority at the second ballot. In steering committees, the election shall be held by secret ballot, in other committees by a show of hands, unless a member of the committee requests a secret ballot”.