Back Deputy Secretary General opens No Hate Speech Conference

Strasbourg , 

"Hate speech online is not any different from hate speech offline", Gabriella Battaini Dragoni underlined at the opening of "No Hate" Conference at the European Youth Centre. The event, that is bringing together the main players and actors of the campaign, from 36 Member States of the Council of Europe, aims at highlighting once more the relevance of the fight against racism and discrimination in the form of hate speech.

"Hate speech is not free speech. Its consequences are anything but free. Hate speech undermines democracy and leads to hate crimes", emphasised the Deputy Secretary General. Ambassador Armen Papikyan, representing the Armenian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe, and the Human Rights Commissioner, Nils Muižnieks, also spoke at the event.

Speech by the Deputy Secretary General
Read more about the No Hate Speech Movement

Live webcast of the conference: