Project News
About the Project


“European Union and Council of Europe working together to support the Prison Reform in Ukraine” (SPERU Project) is one of the three components of the Joint Project of the European Union and the Council of Europe “European Union and Council of Europe working together to strengthening human rights in Ukraine”.


  1. Measurable improvements in the government capacity to reduce the number of applications to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and to execute the court judgments concerned with the penitentiary service;
  2. Improvements in application of modern prison management methods and instruments for more rehabilitative regimes to reduce reoffending;
  3. Better alignment of prison healthcare provisions with European standards with a particular focus on incarcerated persons with mental disorders, HIV/AIDS and transmissible diseases.

Duration of the Project24 months (9 July 2019 till 9 July 2021)

Project Budget – EUR 1 173 200


  • The Prison Reform Strategy and the Government Action Plan further elaborated, implemented, monitored and revised in line with the CoE standards, rules, procedures and best practices
  • Prison management of Ukrainian prisons improved through introduction of contemporary approaches in line with European practices
  • Prison medical and non-medical staff develop multi-disciplinary skills and competences to address health-related problems of prisoners and detainees in an ethical manner, including mental health problems, HIV/AIDs and transmissible diseases


Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Administration of the State Criminal-Executive Service and subordinated public institutions of prison healthcare and probation, associated law-enforcement agencies, the Parliament of Ukraine, Office of General Prosecutor, National Prevetion Mechanism, and Secretariat of the Supreme Court, human rights defenders and civil society organizations.

More news

Presentation of the Methodological Handbook for rehabilitation Programme “Keeping Family Ties in Custody” with the support of EU-CoE Joint Project


The news is available in Ukrainian only. Please switch to the Ukrainian version of the page in the top left section of the web-page.

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CoE consultants shared the European experience in attracting prisoner labour on examples of Germany, United Kingdom and Romania

8 February 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

On February 8, 2022, the European experience in attracting prisoner labour on examples of Germany, the United Kingdom and Romania (the CoE member states) was presented in Kyiv. According to the reports of international consultants, the Handbook “European experience in attracting prisoner labour...

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The seventh wave of online training “Application of the Risk and Needs Assessment tool and individual sentence planning for sentenced offenders” has started

4 February 2022 Kyiv, Ukraine

The information is available in Ukrainian only. Please switch to the Ukrainian version of the page in the top left section of the web-page.

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Project contacts

Project Coordinator in Strasbourg:
Donche Boshkovski


Project Manager
Olga Derkach

Project Assistant
Galyna Sidelkivska