Back CEPEJ consultations with the Ukrainian judicial authorities on the improvement of the legislation on the remote justice in the context of the ongoing war

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On 22 July, the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) held with the Supreme Court of Ukraine and other judicial authorities an online consultation on the improvement of the legislation on the remote justice in the context of the ongoing war in the country, with the participation of members of the Parliament of Ukraine.

Opening remarks were delivered by

  • Olexandra Janovska, Judge of the Supreme Court, representative of Ukraine in the CEPEJ
  • Andrii Kostin, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Policy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
  • Frédéric Dolt, Head of Department, Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and Legal Co-operation Standards Department, Council of Europe

The Supreme Court of Ukraine requested CEPEJ’s assistance in providing expert support for improving the remote hearings legal framework and practice in line with European standards, which will include a legislative analysis of a draft law on the conduct of proceedings under martial law or state of emergency, including remote hearings and the preparation of a Practical Guide for Ukrainian legal professionals, based on the CEPEJ Guidelines on videoconferencing in judicial proceedings.

The CEPEJ will provide support to Ukrainian judicial authorities from July to September 2022 in the framework of the Council of Europe project "Support for judicial institutions and processes to strengthen access to justice in Ukraine”.


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Online 25/07/2022
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