Avrupa Konseyi Üye Devleti
2016’dan beri Avrupa Konseyi Kültür Rotaları Genişletilmiş Kısmi Anlaşması Üye Devleti
Bu ülkede ağ üyeleri bulunan Avrupa Konseyi Kültür Rotaları
MediaBox interview on Cultural Routes of the Council of Europe programme with Levan KHARATISHVILI (Vice-Chair of the EPA Governing Board and Representative of Georgia to the EPA Governing Board) on the occasion of the 37th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe (Strasbourg, 30 October 2019)
Cultural Routes of Georgia Presentation
Presentation by Levan KHARATISHVILI (Vice-Chair of the EPA Governing Board and Representative of Georgia to the EPA Governing Board) given on the occasion of the 9th Annual Advisory Forum on Cultural Routes (Sibiu, Romania, 2-4 October 2019)
Kültür, Spor ve Gençlik Bakanlığı (კულტურის, სპორტისა და ახალგაზრდობის სამინისტრო)
4 Sanapiro Street
GE-0105 Tbilisi
Avrupa Konseyi Nezdinde Gürcistan Daimî Temsilciliği
6 rue Jean Hermann
FR-67000 Strasbourg